64-bit Addition & Subtraction Instructions

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_ADD64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE long long __RV_KADD64 (long long a, long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE long long __RV_KSUB64 (long long a, long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE long long __RV_RADD64 (long long a, long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE long long __RV_RSUB64 (long long a, long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_SUB64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_UKADD64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_UKSUB64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_URADD64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_URSUB64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)
group NMSIS_Core_DSP_Intrinsic_64B_ADDSUB

64-bit Addition & Subtraction Instructions

there are 10 64-bit Addition & Subtraction Instructions.


__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_ADD64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)

ADD64 (64-bit Addition)

Type: 64-bit Profile


ADD64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Add two 64-bit signed or unsigned integers.

RV32 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1) with the 64-bit integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1), and then writes the 64-bit result to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., value d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the result and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the result.

RV64 Description


This instruction has the same behavior as the ADD instruction in RV64I.



This instruction can be used for either signed or unsigned addition.


 t_L = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b1);
 a_L = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b1);
 b_L = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b1);
 R[t_H].R[t_L] = R[a_H].R[a_L] + R[b_H].R[b_L];
 Rd = Rs1 + Rs2;

  • a[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in b


value stored in unsigned long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE long long __RV_KADD64 (long long a, long long b)

KADD64 (64-bit Signed Saturating Addition)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


KADD64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Add two 64-bit signed integers. The result is saturated to the Q63 range.

RV32 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit signed integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1) with the 64-bit signed integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1). If the 64-bit result is beyond the Q63 number range (-2^63 <= Q63 <= 2^63-1), it is saturated to the range and the OV bit is set to 1. The saturated result is written to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., value d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the result and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the result.

RV64 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit signed integer in Rs1 with the 64-bit signed integer in Rs2. If the result is beyond the Q63 number range (-2^63 <= Q63 <= 2^63-1), it is saturated to the range and the OV bit is set to 1. The saturated result is written to Rd.


 t_L = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b1);
 a_L = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b1);
 b_L = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b1);
 result = R[a_H].R[a_L] + R[b_H].R[b_L];
 if (result > (2^63)-1) {
   result = (2^63)-1; OV = 1;
 } else if (result < -2^63) {
   result = -2^63; OV = 1;
 R[t_H].R[t_L] = result;
 result = Rs1 + Rs2;
 if (result > (2^63)-1) {
   result = (2^63)-1; OV = 1;
 } else if (result < -2^63) {
   result = -2^63; OV = 1;
 Rd = result;

  • a[in] long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] long long type of value stored in b


value stored in long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE long long __RV_KSUB64 (long long a, long long b)

KSUB64 (64-bit Signed Saturating Subtraction)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


KSUB64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Perform a 64-bit signed integer subtraction. The result is saturated to the Q63 range.

RV32 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit signed integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1) from the 64-bit signed integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1). If the 64-bit result is beyond the Q63 number range (-2^63 <= Q63 <= 2^63-1), it is saturated to the range and the OV bit is set to 1. The saturated result is then written to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the operand and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the operand.

RV64 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit signed integer of Rs2 from the 64-bit signed integer of Rs1. If the 64-bit result is beyond the Q63 number range (-2^63 <= Q63 <= 2^63-1), it is saturated to the range and the OV bit is set to 1. The saturated result is then written to Rd.


t_L = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b1);
a_L = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b1);
b_L = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b1);
result = R[a_H].R[a_L] - R[b_H].R[b_L];
if (result > (2^63)-1) {
  result = (2^63)-1; OV = 1;
} else if (result < -2^63) {
  result = -2^63; OV = 1;
R[t_H].R[t_L] = result;
result = Rs1 - Rs2;
if (result > (2^63)-1) {
  result = (2^63)-1; OV = 1;
} else if (result < -2^63) {
  result = -2^63; OV = 1;
Rd = result;

  • a[in] long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] long long type of value stored in b


value stored in long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE long long __RV_RADD64 (long long a, long long b)

RADD64 (64-bit Signed Halving Addition)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


RADD64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Add two 64-bit signed integers. The result is halved to avoid overflow or saturation.

RV32 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit signed integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1) with the 64-bit signed integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1). The 64-bit addition result is first arithmetically right-shifted by 1 bit and then written to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., value d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the result and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the result.

RV64 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit signed integer in Rs1 with the 64-bit signed integer in Rs2. The 64-bit addition result is first arithmetically right-shifted by 1 bit and then written to Rd.


t_L = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b1);
a_L = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b1);
b_L = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b1);
R[t_H].R[t_L] = (R[a_H].R[a_L] + R[b_H].R[b_L]) s>> 1;
Rd = (Rs1 + Rs2) s>> 1;

  • a[in] long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] long long type of value stored in b


value stored in long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE long long __RV_RSUB64 (long long a, long long b)

RSUB64 (64-bit Signed Halving Subtraction)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


RSUB64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Perform a 64-bit signed integer subtraction. The result is halved to avoid overflow or saturation.

RV32 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit signed integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rb(4,1) from the 64-bit signed integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Ra(4,1). The subtraction result is first arithmetically right-shifted by 1 bit and then written to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rt(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., value d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the result and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the result.

RV64 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit signed integer in Rs2 from the 64-bit signed integer in Rs1. The 64-bit subtraction result is first arithmetically right-shifted by 1 bit and then written to Rd.


t_L = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b1);
a_L = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b1);
b_L = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b1);
R[t_H].R[t_L] = (R[a_H].R[a_L] - R[b_H].R[b_L]) s>> 1;
Rd = (Rs1 - Rs2) s>> 1;

  • a[in] long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] long long type of value stored in b


value stored in long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_SUB64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)

SUB64 (64-bit Subtraction)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


SUB64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Perform a 64-bit signed or unsigned integer subtraction.

RV32 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1) from the 64-bit integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1), and then writes the 64-bit result to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the operand and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the operand.

RV64 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit integer of Rs2 from the 64-bit integer of Rs1, and then writes the 64-bit result to Rd.



This instruction can be used for either signed or unsigned subtraction.


* RV32:
t_L = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b1);
a_L = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b1);
b_L = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b1);
R[t_H].R[t_L] = R[a_H].R[a_L] - R[b_H].R[b_L];
* RV64:
Rd = Rs1 - Rs2;

  • a[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in b


value stored in unsigned long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_UKADD64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)

UKADD64 (64-bit Unsigned Saturating Addition)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


UKADD64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Add two 64-bit unsigned integers. The result is saturated to the U64 range.

RV32 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1) with the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1). If the 64-bit result is beyond the U64 number range (0 <= U64 <= 2^64-1), it is saturated to the range and the OV bit is set to 1. The saturated result is written to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the result and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the result.

RV64 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit unsigned integer in Rs1 with the 64-bit unsigned integer in Rs2. If the 64-bit result is beyond the U64 number range (0 <= U64 <= 2^64-1), it is saturated to the range and the OV bit is set to 1. The saturated result is written to Rd.


* RV32:
t_L = CONCAT(Rt(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rt(4,1),1'b1);
a_L = CONCAT(Ra(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Ra(4,1),1'b1);
b_L = CONCAT(Rb(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rb(4,1),1'b1);
result = R[a_H].R[a_L] + R[b_H].R[b_L];
if (result > (2^64)-1) {
  result = (2^64)-1; OV = 1;
R[t_H].R[t_L] = result;
* RV64:
result = Rs1 + Rs2;
if (result > (2^64)-1) {
  result = (2^64)-1; OV = 1;
Rd = result;

  • a[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in b


value stored in unsigned long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_UKSUB64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)

UKSUB64 (64-bit Unsigned Saturating Subtraction)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


UKSUB64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Perform a 64-bit signed integer subtraction. The result is saturated to the U64 range.

RV32 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1) from the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1). If the 64-bit result is beyond the U64 number range (0 <= U64 <= 2^64-1), it is saturated to the range and the OV bit is set to 1. The saturated result is then written to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the operand and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the operand.

RV64 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit unsigned integer of Rs2 from the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of Rs1. If the 64-bit result is beyond the U64 number range (0 <= U64 <= 2^64-1), it is saturated to the range and the OV bit is set to 1. The saturated result is then written to Rd.


* RV32:
t_L = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rd(4,1),1'b1);
a_L = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Rs1(4,1),1'b1);
b_L = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rs2(4,1),1'b1);
result = R[a_H].R[a_L] - R[b_H].R[b_L];
if (result < 0) {
  result = 0; OV = 1;
R[t_H].R[t_L] = result;
* RV64
result = Rs1 - Rs2;
if (result < 0) {
  result = 0; OV = 1;
Rd = result;

  • a[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in b


value stored in unsigned long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_URADD64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)

URADD64 (64-bit Unsigned Halving Addition)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


URADD64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Add two 64-bit unsigned integers. The result is halved to avoid overflow or saturation.

RV32 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1) with the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1). The 64-bit addition result is first logically right-shifted by 1 bit and then written to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the result and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the result.

RV64 Description


This instruction adds the 64-bit unsigned integer in Rs1 with the 64-bit unsigned integer Rs2. The 64-bit addition result is first logically right-shifted by 1 bit and then written to Rd.


* RV32:
t_L = CONCAT(Rt(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rt(4,1),1'b1);
a_L = CONCAT(Ra(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Ra(4,1),1'b1);
b_L = CONCAT(Rb(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rb(4,1),1'b1);
R[t_H].R[t_L] = (R[a_H].R[a_L] + R[b_H].R[b_L]) u>> 1;
* RV64:
Rd = (Rs1 + Rs2) u>> 1;

  • a[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in b


value stored in unsigned long long type

__STATIC_FORCEINLINE unsigned long long __RV_URSUB64 (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b)

URSUB64 (64-bit Unsigned Halving Subtraction)

Type: DSP (64-bit Profile)


URSUB64 Rd, Rs1, Rs2



Perform a 64-bit unsigned integer subtraction. The result is halved to avoid overflow or saturation.

RV32 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs2(4,1) from the 64-bit unsigned integer of an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rs1(4,1). The subtraction result is first logically right-shifted by 1 bit and then written to an even/odd pair of registers specified by Rd(4,1). Rx(4,1), i.e., d, determines the even/odd pair group of two registers. Specifically, the register pair includes register 2d and 2d+1. The odd

2d+1 register of the pair contains the high 32-bit of the result and the even 2d register of the pair contains the low 32-bit of the result.

RV64 Description


This instruction subtracts the 64-bit unsigned integer in Rs2 from the 64-bit unsigned integer in Rs1. The subtraction result is first logically right-shifted by 1 bit and then written to Rd.


* RV32:
t_L = CONCAT(Rt(4,1),1'b0); t_H = CONCAT(Rt(4,1),1'b1);
a_L = CONCAT(Ra(4,1),1'b0); a_H = CONCAT(Ra(4,1),1'b1);
b_L = CONCAT(Rb(4,1),1'b0); b_H = CONCAT(Rb(4,1),1'b1);
R[t_H].R[t_L] = (R[a_H].R[a_L] - R[b_H].R[b_L]) u>> 1;
* RV64:
Rd = (Rs1 - Rs2) u>> 1;

  • a[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in a

  • b[in] unsigned long long type of value stored in b


value stored in unsigned long long type