12. PMP Introduction

12.1. PMP Overview

Nuclei processor core can optionally support the PMP (Physical Memory Protection) features, which is part of RISC-V standard privileged architecture specification.

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12.2. PMP Specific Features to Nuclei Core

In order to simplify the hardware implementation, or there are some features are intrinsically hardware implementation relevant, Nuclei processor core have some PMP specific features, which is detailed at next sections.

12.2.1. Configurable PMP Entries Number

RISC-V standard privileged architecture specified the number of PMP entries up to 16, but in the real hardware the PMP entries is limited. Nuclei processor core have the PMP entries number configurable at the build time, please refer to the specific datasheet of the Nuclei processor core.

For those PMP CSR registers relevant to non-existed PMP entries, they are tied to zeros. For example, if the PMP Entries Number is configurable to 8, then the PMP entry 9 ~ 16 relevant CSR registers are tied to zeros.

12.2.2. No support to TOR mode in A field of pmpcfg<x> registers

RISC-V standard privileged architecture specified 4 types of modes in A field of pmpcfg<x> registers. But to simplify the hardware implementations, Nuclei processor core does not support the TOR mode in A field of pmpcfg<x> registers.

If the software try to write A filed to set it as TOR mode, then it will be forcedly written as zero values in this field.

12.2.3. Corner cases for Boundary Crossing

Since the RISC-V standard privileged architecture specified the PMP regions as naturally aligned power-of-2 regions (NAPOT), but in the Nuclei processor core hardware implementations, there might be unaligned access crossing the boundary, which is handled in this way:

  • If it is normal load/store instructions:

    • If the processor core is configured to not support the unaligned memory access, then it will trigger address misaligned exception.

    • If the processor core is configured to support the unaligned memory access, then hardware will break the unaligned access into multiple byte or half-word aligned memory accesses (called micro-operations), each micro-opertation will be checked with PMP, if violated PMP permission, it will trigger Load or Store access fault exception, and the exception is imprecise.

  • If it is AMO/LR/SC instructions:

    • Since the RISC-V standard privileged architecture specified AMO/LR/SC instructions definitely not support the unaligned memory access, hence it will trigger address misaligned exception.

  • If it is the instruction fetching, since the processor core will always break the instruction fetching as the aligned memory access (e.g., 32bits or 64bits aligned), each aligned memory access will be checked with PMP, if violated PMP permission, it will trigger instruction access fault exception, and the exception is precise.