Build System based on Makefile

Nuclei SDK’s build system is based on Makefile, user can build, run ordebug application in Windows and Linux.

Makefile Structure

Nuclei SDK’s Makefiles mainly placed in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Build directory and an extra Makefile located in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Makefile.

This extra <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Makefile introduce a new Make variable called PROGRAM to provide the ability to build or run application in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>.

For example, if you want to rebuild and upload application application/baremetal/timer_test, you can run make PROGRAM=application/baremetal/timer_test clean upload to achieve it.

The <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Build directory content list as below:

Makefile.files  -> Created by user

The file or directory is used explained as below:


This Makefile.base file is used as Nuclei SDK build system entry file, application’s Makefile need to include this file to use all the features of Nuclei SDK build system.

It will expose Make variables or options such as BOARD or SOC passed by make command, click Makefile variables passed by make command to learn more.

This file will include optional and Makefile.local which allow user to set custom global Makefile configurations and local application Makefile configurations.

This file will include the following makefiles:


The gmsl directory consist of the GNU Make Standard Library (GMSL), which is an a library of functions to be used with GNU Make’s $(call) that provides functionality not available in standard GNU Make.

We use this gmsl tool to make sure we help us achieve some linux command which is only supported in Linux.


The toolchain directory contains different toolchain support makefiles, such as Nuclei GNU toolchain, Nuclei LLVM toolchain and Terapines toolchain, if you want to add a different toolchain support, you also need to add a new toolchain makefile in it, you can refer to existing ones.

Since different toolchain support is added, in application Makefile, if your toolchain options are not compatiable with others, to provide a compatiable application for different toolchain, we recommend you to add toolchain_$(TOOLCHAIN).mk file in your application folder, and in application Makefile include this file, you can refer to application/baremetal/benchmark/coremark to see example usage.


This Makefile.misc file mainly provide these functions:

  • Define get_csrcs, get_asmsrcs, get_cxxsrcs and check_item_exist make functions

    • get_csrcs: Function to get *.c or *.C source files from a list of directories, no ability to do recursive match. e.g. $(call get_csrcs, csrc csrc/abc) will return c source files in csrc and csrc/abc directories.

    • get_asmsrcs: Function to get *.s or *.S source files from a list of directories, no ability to do recursive match. e.g. $(call get_asmsrcs, asmsrc asmsrc/abc) will return asm source files in asmsrc and asmsrc/abc directories.

    • get_cxxsrcs: Function to get *.cpp or *.CPP source files from a list of directories, no ability to do recursive match. e.g. $(call get_cxxsrcs, cppsrc cppsrc/abc) will return cpp source files in cppsrc and cppsrc/abc directories.

    • check_item_exist: Function to check if item existed in a set of items. e.g. $(call check_item_exist, flash, flash ilm flashxip) will check flash whether existed in flash ilm flashxip, if existed, return flash, otherwise return empty.

  • Check and define OS related functions, and also a set of trace print functions.


This Makefile.conf file will define the following items:

  • Toolchain related variables used during compiling

  • Debug related variables

  • Include Makefile.files and Makefile.rtos

  • Collect all the C/C++/ASM compiling and link options


This Makefile.rules file will do the following things:

  • Collect all the sources during compiling

  • Define all the rules used for building, uploading and debugging

  • Print help message for build system


This Makefile.files file will do the following things:

  • Define common C/C++/ASM source and include directories

  • Define common C/C++/ASM macros


This Makefile.soc will include valid makefiles located in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/SoC/<SOC>/ according to the SOC makefile variable setting.

It will define the following items:

  • DOWNLOAD and CORE variables

  • Linker script used according to the DOWNLOAD mode settings

  • OpenOCD debug configuration file used for the SoC and Board

  • Some extra compiling or debugging options

A valid SoC should be organized like this, take evalsoc as example:

├── Board
│   └── nuclei_fpga_eval
│       ├── Include
│       │   ├── board_nuclei_fpga_eval.h
│       │   └── nuclei_sdk_hal.h
│       ├── Source
│       │   ├── IAR
│       │   └── GCC
│       └── openocd_evalsoc.cfg
└── Common
    ├── Include
    │   ├── evalsoc.h
    │   ├── ... ...
    │   ├── evalsoc_uart.h
    │   ├── nuclei_sdk_soc.h
    │   └── system_evalsoc.h
    └── Source
        ├── Drivers
        │   ├── ... ...
        │   └── evalsoc_uart.c
        ├── GCC
        │   ├── intexc_evalsoc.S
        │   ├── intexc_evalsoc_s.S
        │   └── startup_evalsoc.S
        ├── IAR
        │   ├── intexc_evalsoc.S
        │   ├── intexc_evalsoc_s.S
        │   └── startup_evalsoc.c
        ├── Stubs
        │   ├── newlib
        │   ├── libncrt
        │   └── iardlib
        ├── evalsoc_common.c
        └── system_evalsoc.c


This Makefile.rtos will include <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/OS/<RTOS>/ according to our RTOS variable.

A valid rtos should be organized like this, take UCOSII as example:

├── arch
├── license.txt
└── source

If no RTOS is chosen, then RTOS code will not be included during compiling, user will develop baremetal application.

If FreeRTOS, UCOSII or RTThread RTOS is chosen, then FreeRTOS UCOSII, or RTThread source code will be included during compiling, and extra compiler option -DRTOS_$(RTOS_UPPER) will be passed, then user can develop RTOS application.

For example, if FreeRTOS is selected, then -DRTOS_FREERTOS compiler option will be passed.


This Makefile.components will include Makefiles of selected components defined via makefile variable MIDDLEWARE, the Makefiles are placed in the sub-folders of <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Components/.

A valid middleware component should be organized like this, take fatfs as example :

├── documents
├── LICENSE.txt
└── source

For example, if there are two valid middleware components in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Components/, called fatfs and tjpgd, and you want to use them in your application, then you can set MIDDLEWARE like this MIDDLEWARE := fatfs tjpgd, then the application will include these two middlewares into build process.


This Makefile.core is used to define the RISC-V ARCH and ABI used during compiling of the CORE list supported.

If you want to add a new CORE, you need to add a new line before SUPPORTED_CORES, and append the new CORE to SUPPORTED_CORES.

For example, if you want to add a new CORE called n308, and the n308’s ARCH and ABI are rv32imafdc and ilp32d, then you can add a new line like this N308_CORE_ARCH_ABI = rv32imafdc ilp32d, and append n308 to SUPPORTED_CORES like this SUPPORTED_CORES = n201 n201e n203 n203e n308 nx600


  • The appended new CORE need to lower-case, e.g. n308

  • The new defined variable N308_CORE_ARCH_ABI need to be all upper-case.

This file is an optional file, and will not be tracked by git, user can create own in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Build directory.

In this file, user can define custom SOC, BOARD, DOWNLOAD options to overwrite the default configuration.

For example, if you will use only the GD32VF103V RV-STAR Kit, you can create the <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Build/ as below:

SOC ?= gd32vf103
BOARD ?= gd32vf103v_rvstar
DOWNLOAD ?= flashxip


  • If you add above file, then you can build, run, debug application without passing SOC, BOARD and DOWNLOAD variables using make command for GD32VF103V RV-STAR Kit board, e.g.

  • The GD32VF103V RV-STAR Kit only support FlashXIP download mode.

  • If you create the like above sample code, you will also be able to use Nuclei SDK build system as usually, it will only change the default SOC, BOARD and DOWNLOAD, but you can still override the default variable using make command, such as make SOC=evalsoc BOARD=nuclei_fpga_eval DOWNLOAD=ilm


As the is used to override the default Makefile configurations, and the Makefile.local is used to override application level Makefile configurations, and also this file will not be tracked by git.

User can create Makefile.local file in any of the application folder, placed together with the application Makefile, for example, you can create Makefile.local in application/baremetal/helloworld to override default make configuration for this helloworld application.

If you want to change the default board for helloworld to use GD32VF103V RV-STAR Kit, you can create application/baremetal/helloworld/Makefile.local as below:

SOC ?= gd32vf103
BOARD ?= gd32vf103v_rvstar
DOWNLOAD ?= flashxip


  • This local make configuration will override global and default make configuration.

  • If you just want to change only some applications’ makefile configuration, you can add and update Makefile.local for those applications.

Makefile targets of make command

Here is a list of the Make targets supported by Nuclei SDK Build System.

Make targets supported by Nuclei SDK Build System




display help message of Nuclei SDK build system


display selected configuration information


display asm/c/cxx/ld flags and other info


display toolchain/qemu/openocd version


build application with selected configuration


clean application with selected configuration


build and dissemble application with selected configuration


build and generate application binary with selected configuration


build and upload application with selected configuration


run openocd server with selected configuration, and wait for gdb at port specified by $(GDB_PORT)


build and start gdb process with selected configuration, and connect to localhost:$(GDB_PORT)


build and debug application with selected configuration


run application on qemu machine with selected configuration


run application on xlspike with selected configuration


show program size


  • The selected configuration is controlled by Makefile variables passed by make command

  • For run_openocd and run_gdb target, if you want to change a new gdb port, you can pass the variable GDB_PORT

  • For run_qemu, only SOC=evalsoc supported, when do this target, you can pass SIMU=qemu to support auto-exit, project recompiling is required.

  • For run_xlspike, only SOC=evalsoc supported, when do this target, you can pass SIMU=xlspike to support auto-exit, project recompiling is required.

Makefile variables passed by make command

In Nuclei SDK build system, we exposed the following Makefile variables which can be passed via make command.


  • These variables can also be used and defined in application Makefile

  • If you just want to fix your running board of your application, you can just define these variables in application Makefile, if defined, then you can simply use make clean, make upload or make debug, etc.


SOC variable is used to declare which SoC is used in application during compiling.

evalsoc is the default SoC, if no SOC passed or environment variable set, you can check default settings by run make info, it will will show default settings without any overriding make variable.

You can easily find the supported SoCs in the <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/SoC directory.

Currently we support the following SoCs, see Supported SoCs.

Supported SoCs




GD32VF103 SoC


GD32VW55x SoC


Nuclei Eval SoC


If you are our SoC subsystem customer, in the SDK delivered to you, you can find your soc name in this <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/SoC directory, take gd32vf103 SoC as example, when SOC=gd32vf103, the SoC source code in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/SoC/gd32vf103/Common will be used.

This documentation just document the open source version of Nuclei SDK’s supported SOC and Board.


BOARD variable is used to declare which Board is used in application during compiling.

The BOARD variable should match the supported boards of chosen SOC. You can easily find the supported Boards in the <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/<SOC>/Board/ directory.

Currently we support the following SoCs.

Supported Boards when SOC=gd32vf103






GD32VF103C DLink Debugger


GD32VF103V Evaluation Kit


Sipeed Longan Nano


Sipeed Longan Nano


GD32VW553H Evaluation Kit

Supported Boards when SOC=evalsoc




Nuclei FPGA Evaluation Kit

Supported Boards when SOC=g32vw55x




GD32VW553H Evaluation Kit


  • If you only specify SOC variable in make command, it will use default BOARD and CORE option defined in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/SoC/<SOC>/

  • If you are our SoC subsystem customer, in the SDK delivered to you, you can check the board supported list in <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/<SOC>/Board/, take SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar as example, the board source code located <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/gd32vf103/Board/gd32vf103v_rvstar will be used.


VARIANT variable is used to declare which variant of board is used in application during compiling.

It might only affect on only small piece of board, and this is SoC and Board dependent.

This variable only affect the selected board or soc, and it is target dependent.



This variable is added in 0.5.0 release.

This variable is used to select different toolchain to compile application. Currently we support 3 toolchain in Nuclei SDK.

  • nuclei_gnu: default, it will choose nuclei gnu toolchain, distributed with Nuclei Toolchain.

  • nuclei_llvm: still in experiment, nuclei customized extensions not yet supported, distributed with Nuclei Toolchain.

  • terapines: still in experiment, it depends on the toolchain vendor about the supported extensions, if you want to take a try with it, just visit and request an terapines toolchain evaluation.

For nuclei_gnu/nuclei_llvm toolchain both newlib and libncrt library are supported, but nuclei_llvm toolchain multilib selection mechanism is not as good as gnu toolchain, you need to take care of the arch isa string order, please see riscv64-unknown-unknown-elf-clang -v output for supported multilib and its isa string order.

And IAR compiler support is also done in Nuclei SDK, you can take a try with it via ideprojects/iar folder provided prebuilt ide projects.

If you want to use old Nuclei GNU Toolchain <= 2022.12 in Nuclei SDK 0.5.0, you need to pass extra COMPILE_PREFIX=riscv-nuclei-elf- when build any application, such as make CORE=n300fd COMPILE_PREFIX=riscv-nuclei-elf-  STDCLIB=libncrt_small clean all, but this is not recommended, and will be deprecated in future any time.


DOWNLOAD variable is used to declare the download mode of the application, currently it has these modes supported as described in table Supported download modes

Supported download modes




Program will be downloaded into ilm/ram and
run directly in ilm/ram, program will lost when poweroff


Program will be downloaded into flash, when running,
program will be copied to ilm/ram and run in ilm/ram


Program will be downloaded into flash and run directly in flash


Program will be downloaded into ddr and
run directly in ddr, program will lost when poweroff


Program will be downloaded into sram and
run directly in sram, program will lost when poweroff


  • This variable now target dependent, and its meaning depending on how this variable is implemented in SoC’s

  • GD32VF103 SoC only support DOWNLOAD=flashxip

  • flashxip mode in Nuclei Eval SoC is very slow due to the CORE frequency is very slow, and flash execution speed is slow

  • ddr mode is introduced in release 0.2.5 of Nuclei SDK

  • macro DOWNLOAD_MODE and DOWNLOAD_MODE_STRING will be defined in Makefile, eg. when DOWNLOAD=flash, macro will be defined as -DDOWNLOAD_MODE=DOWNLOAD_MODE_FLASH, and -DDOWNLOAD_MODE_STRING=\"flash\", the flash will be in upper case, currently DOWNLOAD_MODE_STRING macro is used in system_<Device>.c when banner is print.

  • This download mode is also used to clarify whether in the link script, your eclic vector table is placed in .vtable_ilm or .vtable section, eg. for evalsoc, when DOWNLOAD=flash, vector table is placed in .vtable_ilm section, and an extra macro called VECTOR_TABLE_REMAPPED will be passed in Makefile. When VECTOR_TABLE_REMAPPED is defined, it means vector table’s LMA and VMA are different, it is remapped.

  • From release 0.3.2, this DOWNLOAD_MODE should not be used, and macros DOWNLOAD_MODE_ILM, DOWNLOAD_MODE_FLASH, DOWNLOAD_MODE_FLASHXIP and DOWNLOAD_MODE_DDR previously defined in riscv_encoding.h now are moved to <Device.h> such as evalsoc.h, and should be deprecated in future. Now we are directly using DOWNLOAD_MODE_STRING to pass the download mode string, no longer need to define it in source code as before.

  • From release 0.3.2, you can define DOWNLOAD not just the download mode list above, you can use other download mode names specified by your customized SoC.

  • For SRAM download mode, for 200/300, it don’t has DDR, so sram is a external ram outside of cpu, for 600/900, it has DDR, so sram is the ddr ram


CORE variable is used to declare the Nuclei processor core of the application.

NOTICE: Nuclei 100 series such as N100 is not supported by normal Nuclei SDK, you need to switch to develop_n100 branch to try it out.

Currently it has these cores supported as described in table Supported Nuclei Processor cores.

Supported Nuclei Processor cores





















































































































































When CORE is selected, the ARCH, ABI and TUNE (optional) are set, and it might affect the compiler options in combination with ARCH_EXT depended on the implementation of SoC

If you are not sure about which ARCH and extension and cpu feature your Nuclei CPU has, you can run cpuinfo example to confirm it.


  • n205/n205e/n305/n307/n307fd CORE are removed in Nuclei SDK 0.7.0

  • n200e/n202/n202e CORE are added in Nuclei SDK 0.7.0

  • In Nuclei SDK, this CORE variable is just a shorthand to find a suitable ARCH, ABI and TUNE for target SoC to pass to the compiler as described in above table. So for example, CORE=n600fd equals CORE=u600fd, CORE=n900fd equals CORE=u900fd

  • Nuclei CPU product name such as N310, NA300, NA900, NI900, N308 is just a name, since the CPU itself is configurable, so the final ARCH and ABI is different according to your configuration, you should find a proper base CORE name according to your CPU RTL configuration, and if you have extra ISA not fit in this CORE name, you can pass it via ARCH_EXT, for example, if your CPU product is NA300, and CPU_ISA after RTL configuration is rv32imafd_zca_zcb_zcf_zcmp_zcmt_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zfhmin_zicond_xxldspn3x, then you can set CORE=n300fd, ARCH_EXT can be set to empty ARCH_EXT=, or ARCH_EXT=_zca_zcb_zcf_zcmp_zcmt_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zfhmin_zicond_xxldspn3x, or shorter ARCH_EXT=_zca_zcb_zcf_zcmp_zcmt_zicond_xxldsp, but a invalid ARCH_EXT could cause a library not match issue due to toolchain can only distributed with limited multilib which can be checked via riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -print-multi-lib, so please take care.

  • For other CPU features such as TEE, ECLIC, TIMER, CACHE, CCM, SMP and etc, you should modify the section Processor and Core Peripheral Section in your <Device.h>, such as SoC/evalsoc/Common/Include/evalsoc.h.

Take SOC=evalsoc as example.

  • If CORE=n205 ARCH_EXT=, then ARCH=rv32imac, ABI=ilp32 TUNE=nuclei-200-series. riscv arch related compile and link options will be passed, for this case, it will be -march=rv32imac -mabi=ilp32 -mtune=nuclei-200-series.

  • If CORE=n205 ARCH_EXT=_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs, it will be -march=rv32imac_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs -mabi=ilp32 -mtune=nuclei-200-series.

For riscv code model settings, the RISCV_CMODEL variable will be set to medlow for RV32 targets, otherwise it will be medany.

The some SoCs, the CORE is fixed, so the ARCH and ABI will be fixed, such as gd32vf103 SoC, in build system, the CORE is fixed to n205, and ARCH=rv32imac, ABI=ilp32.


ARCH_EXT variable is used to select extra RISC-V arch extensions supported by Nuclei RISC-V Processor, except the iemafdc.


Nuclei Toolchain 2023.10 now bump gcc version from gcc 10 to gcc 13, which introduced incompatiable -march option, so ARCH_EXT usage is also incompatiable now.

About the incompatiable march option change, please see, which is already present in latest gcc and clang release.

About latest and full version of RISC-V Ratified ISA Spec, please click latest released spec here, check the unpriv-isa-asciidoc.pdf and priv-isa-asciidoc.pdf.

About Nuclei RISC-V toolchain user guide, please check

When using gcc 13 or clang 17 toolchain in 2023.10 or later toolchain release, you need to use it like this in 0.5.0 sdk release or later version.

Here are several examples when using ARCH_EXT for Nuclei RISC-V Processors:


This ARCH_EXT= is only used in Nuclei SDK makefile based build system, not used in Nuclei Studio IDE, in Nuclei Studio IDE, you need to set the Other extensions in Nuclei Settings or Project Properities -> Settings -> C/C++ Build -> Tool Settings -> Target Processor -> Other Extensions, eg. If you pass ARCH_EXT=_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs using make, then you should set _zba_zbb_zbc_zbs in Other extensions.

  • If you want to use just B 1.0 extension, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs

  • If you want to use just Nuclei implemented P 0.5.4 extension and N1/N2/N3 customized extension

    • Xxldsp: means P 0.5.4 + Nuclei default enabled additional 8 expd instructions for both RV32 and RV64, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_xxldsp

    • Xxldspn1x: means Xxldsp + Nuclei N1 additional instructions for RV32 only, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_xxldspn1x

    • Xxldspn2x: means Xxldspn1x + Nuclei N2 additional instructions for RV32 only, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_xxldspn2x

    • Xxldspn3x: means Xxldspn1x + Nuclei N3 additional instructions for RV32 only, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_xxldspn3x

  • If you want to use K 1.0 extension, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zk_zks

  • If you want to use V 1.0 extension

    • For rv32 without f/d extension, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zve32x

    • For rv32 with f/d extension, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zve32f

    • For rv64 without f/d extension, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zve64x

    • For rv64 with f extension, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zve64f

    • For rv64 with fd extension, you can pass ARCH_EXT=v

  • If you want to use F16(zfh/zvfh) extension, you can follow below steps

    • For case without vector extension, you can add extra _zfh to ARCH_EXT, eg, ARCH_EXT=_zfh

    • For case with vector extension, you can add extra _zfh_zvfh to ARCH_EXT, eg, ARCH_EXT=_zfh_zvfh

    • And the prebuilt NMSIS DSP library also provide F16 support with prebuilt F16 library, you can check library name with zfh, such as NMSIS/Library/DSP/GCC/libnmsis_dsp_rv32imafc_zfh_zvfh_zve32f.a

    • Spec about zfh extension and zvfh extension

  • If you want to use Zc 1.0 extension

    • You can use it together with C extension, which means it should be concat with isa string like rv32imafd_zca_zcb_zcf_zcmp_zcmt

    • In Nuclei SDK, the isa string processing is done in build system

    • If you want to use with n300/n900, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zca_zcb_zcmp_zcmt

    • If you want to use with n300f/n900f, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zca_zcb_zcf_zcmp_zcmt

    • If you want to use with n300fd/n900fd, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zca_zcb_zcf_zcmp_zcmt

    • If you want to use with n300fd/n900fd without zcmp/zcmt, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zca_zcb_zcf_zcd

    • If you want to use with extra Nuclei Code Size Reduction extension called Xxlcz, you can add extra _xxlcz in ARCH_EXT, eg. for n300, you can pass ARCH_EXT=_zca_zcb_zcmp_zcmt_xxlcz

  • When using customized extensions such as Xxldsp/Xxldspn1x/Xxldspn2x/Xxldspn3x/Xxlcz, the isa string must be placed after all _z started isa strings, here is an legal string such as rv32imafd_zca_zcb_zcf_zcmp_zcmt_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zk_zks_xxlcz_xxldspn3x for rv32 with imafd + Zc + B + K + Xxldspn3x + Xxlcz

  • You need to handle this ARCH_EXT carefully, expecially using with demo_dsp demo since it will default search library match the whole arch name but you can pass NMSIS_LIB_ARCH variable in Makefile to choose your desired library arch.

  • LLVM Clang in Nuclei RISC-V Toolchain 2023.10 don’t support Xxldsp and Xxlcz extension now, please take care.

  • When using llvm clang compiler, the isa string order must be treat carefully, it is not handled very good when searching different multilib.

  • You can check prebuilt multilib for gcc and clang using riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc --print-multi-lib and riscv64-unknown-elf-clang --print-multi-lib

Here below are for using gcc 10 toolchain, you can use it like this below in old nuclei sdk release before 0.5.0.

Currently, valid arch extension combination should match the order of bpv.

Here is a list of valid arch extensions:

  • ARCH_EXT=b: RISC-V bitmanipulation extension.

  • ARCH_EXT=p: RISC-V packed simd extension.

  • ARCH_EXT=v: RISC-V vector extension.

  • ARCH_EXT=bp: RISC-V bitmanipulation and packed simd extension.

  • ARCH_EXT=pv: RISC-V packed simd and vector extension.

  • ARCH_EXT=bpv: RISC-V bitmanipulation, packed simd and vector extension.

It is suggested to use this ARCH_EXT with other arch options like this, can be found in SoC/evalsoc/

CORE_UPPER := $(call uc, $(CORE))
RISCV_ABI ?= $(word 2, $(CORE_ARCH_ABI))



  • This variable is used to control different compiler options for different Nuclei CPU series such as 200/300/600/900/1000.

  • If you are looking for Nuclei 100 series support, please refer to develop_n100 branch of Nuclei SDK repository.

This variable will be auto set if your CORE variable match the following rules:

  • 200: CORE start with 20, the CPU_SERIES will be 200.

  • 300: CORE start with 30, the CPU_SERIES will be 300.

  • 600: CORE start with 60, the CPU_SERIES will be 600.

  • 900: CORE start with 90, the CPU_SERIES will be 900.

  • 1000: CORE start with 100, the CPU_SERIES will be 1000.

  • 0: CORE start with others, the CPU_SERIES will be 0.

It can also be defined in Makefile itself directly or passed via make command.

It will also define an macro called CPU_SERIES, eg. for CPU_SERIES=200, it will define macro CPU_SERIES=200.

This variable is currently used in benchmark cases, and require application Makefile changes.


If SEMIHOST=1, it means it will enable semihost support using openocd.

From 0.5.0, both newlib and libncrt support semihosting feature, and when using semihost, no need to implement the clib stub functions, which is done by newlib or libncrt semihosting library.

And for qemu 2023.10 verison, you can also use semihosting feature, simple usage is like below for qemu:

cd application/baremetal/helloworld
# clean project first
make SOC=evalsoc SEMIHOST=1 clean
make SOC=evalsoc SEMIHOST=1 all
# run on qemu, SEMIHOST=1 is required to pass when run qemu
make SOC=evalsoc SEMIHOST=1 run_qemu

When using semihosting feature with openocd, debug message will print via openocd console.

You need to use it like this(assume you are run on evalsoc, CORE=n300):

In terminal 1, open openocd and monitor the output:

cd application/baremetal/helloworld
make SOC=evalsoc CORE=n300 run_openocd
# when terminal 2 has download program and start to run, you will be able to see output here

In terminal 2, gdb connect to the openocd exposed gdb port and load program, and run

# in normal shell terminal
cd application/baremetal/helloworld
make SOC=evalsoc CORE=n300 SEMIHOST=1 clean
make SOC=evalsoc CORE=n300 SEMIHOST=1 run_gdb

# now in gdb command terminal, run the following command
monitor reset halt
## when run continue, you will be able to see output in previous terminal 1 running openocd


If SIMULATION=1, it means the program is optimized for hardware simulation environment.

Currently if SIMULATION=1, it will pass compile option -DCFG_SIMULATION, application can use this CFG_SIMULATION to optimize program for hardware simulation environment.


  • Currently the benchmark applications in application/baremetal/benchmark used this optimization



  • This new variable GDB_PORT is added in Nuclei SDK since version 0.2.4

This variable is not used usually, by default the GDB_PORT variable is 3333.

If you want to change a debug gdb port for openocd and gdb when run run_openocd and run_gdb target, you can pass a new port such as 3344 to this variable.

For example, if you want to debug application using run_openocd and run_gdb and specify a different port other than 3333.

You can do it like this, take nuclei_fpga_eval board for example, such as port 3344:

  • Open openocd server: make SOC=evalsoc BOARD=nuclei_fpga_eval CORE=n300f GDB_PORT=3344 run_openocd

  • connect gdb with openocd server: make SOC=evalsoc BOARD=nuclei_fpga_eval CORE=n300f GDB_PORT=3344 run_gdb



  • This new variable JTAGSN is added in 0.4.0 release

This variable is used specify jtag adapter serial number in openocd configuration, need to be supported in openocd configuration file and makefile, currently evalsoc is supported. It is used by openocd adapter serial.

Assume you have a jtag adapter, serial number is FT6S9RD6, and you want to download program through this jtag to a fpga with ux900 bitstream on it, you can do it like this.

For windows, you need to pass extra A, eg. JTAGSN=FT6S9RD6A

# cd to helloworld
cd application/baremetal/helloworld
# clean program
make SOC=evalsoc CORE=ux900 JTAGSN=FT6S9RD6 clean
# upload program
make SOC=evalsoc CORE=ux900 JTAGSN=FT6S9RD6 upload


If V=1, it will display compiling message in verbose including compiling options.

By default, no compiling options will be displayed in make console message just to print less message and make the console message cleaner. If you want to see what compiling option is used, please pass V=1 in your make command.


If SILENT=1, it will not display any compiling messsage.

If you don’t want to see any compiling message, you can pass SILENT=1 in your make command.

Makefile variables used only in Application Makefile

The following variables should be used in application Makefile at your demand, e.g. application/baremetal/demo_timer/Makefile.


This is a necessary variable which must be defined in application Makefile.

It is used to set the name of the application, it will affect the generated target filenames.


  • Please don’t put any spaces in TARGET variable

  • The variable shouldn’t contain any space

# invalid case 1
TARGET ?= hello world
# invalid case 2
TARGET ?= helloworld # before this # there is a extra space


This is a necessary variable which must be defined in application Makefile.

It is used to set the path of Nuclei SDK Root, usually it should be set as relative path, but you can also set absolute path to point to Nuclei SDK.


RTOS variable is used to choose which RTOS will be used in this application.

You can easily find the supported RTOSes in the <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/OS directory.

  • If RTOS is not defined, then baremetal service will be enabled with this application. See examples in application/baremetal.

  • If RTOS is set the the following values, RTOS service will be enabled with this application.

    • FreeRTOS: FreeRTOS service will be enabled, extra macro RTOS_FREERTOS will be defined, you can include FreeRTOS header files now, and use FreeRTOS API, for FreeRTOS application, you need to have an FreeRTOSConfig.h header file prepared in you application. See examples in application/freertos.

    • UCOSII: UCOSII service will be enabled, extra macro RTOS_UCOSII will be defined, you can include UCOSII header files now, and use UCOSII API, for UCOSII application, you need to have app_cfg.h, os_cfg.h and app_hooks.c files prepared in you application. See examples in application/ucosii.

    • RTThread: RT-Thread service will be enabled, extra macro RTOS_RTTHREAD will be defined, you can include RT-Thread header files now, and use RT-Thread API, for RTThread application, you need to have an rtconfig.h header file prepared in you application. See examples in application/rtthread.

    • ThreadX: ThreadX service will be enabled, extra macro RTOS_THREADX will be defined, you can include ThreadX header files now, and use ThreadX API, for ThreadX application, you need to have an tx_user.h header file prepared in you application. See examples in application/threadx.


MIDDLEWARE variable is used to select which middlewares should be used in this application.

You can easily find the available middleware components in the <NUCLEI_SDK_ROOT>/Components directory.

  • If MIDDLEWARE is not defined, not leave empty, no middlware package will be selected.

  • If MIDDLEWARE is defined with more than 1 string, such as fatfs tjpgd, then these two middlewares will be selected.

Currently we provide the following middlewares:

  • profiling: This middleware is not expected to use in Makefile based build system, you need to use it in Nuclei Studio, it is used to provide code coverage via gcov and profiling via gprof, for details, please refer to the in this folder.


NMSIS_LIB variable is used to select which NMSIS libraries should be used in this application.

Currently you can select the following libraries:

  • nmsis_dsp: NMSIS DSP prebuilt library.

  • nmsis_nn: NMSIS NN prebuilt library.

You can select more than libraries of NMSIS. For example, if you want to use NMSIS NN library, NMSIS DSP library is also required. so you need to set NMSIS_LIB like this NMSIS_LIB := nmsis_nn nmsis_dsp


This variable is used to select real nmsis dsp/nn library arch used, if not set, it will use RISCV_ARCH passed.

The NMSIS_LIB_ARCH need to match the prebuilt libraries located in NMSIS/Library/DSP/GCC and NMSIS/Library/NN/GCC, eg. NMSIS_LIB_ARCH := rv32imafc_zfh_zvfh_zve32f_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_xxldspn1x will select libnmsis_dsp_rv32imafc_zfh_zvfh_zve32f_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_xxldspn1x.a if NMSIS_LIB := nmsis_dsp

This is useful when you want to specify a different arch for library.

eg. When your cpu arch is rv32imafdc_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zk_zks_xxldspn3x, and you want to use rv32imafdc_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_xxldspn1x, then you can set NMSIS_LIB_ARCH=rv32imafdc_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_xxldspn1x in Makefile, otherwise it will use the real cpu arch passed by CORE and ARCH_EXT or directly via RISCV_ARCH.


STDCLIB variable is used to select which standard c runtime library will be used. If not defined, the default value will be newlib_nano.

In Nuclei GNU Toolchain, we destributed newlib/newlib-nano/Nuclei c runtime library, so user can select different c runtime library according to their requirement.

Newlib is a simple ANSI C library, math library, available for both RV32 and RV64.

Nuclei C runtime library is a highly optimized c library designed for deeply embedded user cases, can provided smaller code size and highly optimized floating point support compared to Newlib.

From 0.5.0 release, to support both gcc and clang compiler, we decided not to use --specs= option to select system library, instead of that, we start to use --nodefaultlibs options, and link the required system libraries by the STDCLIB variable choice, so need to link desired libraries such as:

  • -lgcc: a standard library (linked by default, excluded by -nodefaultlibs) that provides internal subroutines to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, see

  • -lgcov: a library used to test coverage program, known as gcov/gprof, see

  • -lc/-lc_nano: newlib c library or newlib nano c library, see

  • -lm: newlib math library, see

  • -lstdc++: gnu standard c++ library, see

  • -lsemihost: riscv semihosting library which implement a set of standard I/O and file I/O operations, see

  • -lnosys: a set of stub functions which implement a set of standard I/O operations but does nothing, and when link with it, it will throw link warning, see

  • -lncrt_pico/-lncrt_nano/-lncrt_small/-lncrt_balanced/-lncrt_fast: Nuclei libncrt library, it provides pico/nano/small/balanced/fast variant to provide standard c library, math library, and libgcc library features, and need to use together with -lheapops_minimal/-lheapops_basic/-lheapops_realtime heap operation API, and -lfileops_uart/-lfileops_semi/-lfileops_rtt file io operation API, when using this libncrt library, please don’t link -lgcc -lc_nano/-lc -lm -lsemihost -lnosys, and it also can’t link with -lstdc++

  • Upgrading libncrt from Nuclei GNU Toolchain 2022.12 to Nuclei Toolchain 2023.10, please change it like this, take libncrt_small as example:

    • asm/c/c++ options: --specs=libncrt_small.specs -> --specs=libncrt_small.specs works for gcc, or -isystem=/include/libncrt works for both gcc and clang

    • ld options: --specs=libncrt_small.specs -> --specs=libncrt_small.specs -lheapops_basic -lfileops_uart works for gcc, -nodefaultlibs -lncrt_small -lheapops_basic -lfileops_uart works for both gcc and clang

    • We recommend you to use later version works for both gcc and clang, -nodefaultlibs is used to exclude startup crt, libgcc and c library in default gcc or clang, use the version specified by us to use libncrt.

Available STDCLIB choices




Normal version of newlib, optimized for speed at cost of size.
It provided full feature of newlib, with file io supported.


Newlib nano version, with printf float and scanf float support.


Newlib nano version, with printf float support.


Newlib nano version, without printf/scanf float support.


Nuclei C runtime library optimized for speed, full feature


Nuclei C runtime library balanced at speed and code size, full feature


Nuclei C runtime library optimized for code size, full feature


Nuclei C runtime library optimized for code size, without float/double support


Nuclei C runtime library optimized for code size, without long/long long/float/double support


no std c library will be used, and don’t search the standard system directories for header files


no std c library will be used, not pass any –specs options


  • For clang based compiler, if -u _print_float is not passed in linker options, it may fail during link process, so here we pass -u _print_float for newlib_nano, then it means for nuclei_llvm and terapines toolchain, STDCLIB=newlib_nano equals to STDCLIB=newlib_small

  • Nuclei libncrt library couldn’t be used with terapines toolchain, so you can’t use any libncrt library when you are using terapines toolchain.

  • About Newlib and Newlib nano difference, please check

  • About Nuclei C runtime library, it provided basic libgcc, c library and math library feature, but it didn’t provided all the features that newlib can do, it is highly optimized for deeply embedded scenery, user no need to link with -lm when using libncrt library when math library is needed.

  • Nuclei C runtime library is only available in Nuclei GNU Toolchain released after Nov 2021, about how to use this library, please follow doc located in gcc\share\pdf, changes need to be done in startup code, linker script, stub code, and compiler options, you can check commit history of nuclei sdk for support of libncrt.

  • Nuclei C runtime library(libncrt) only support RV32 CPU target, so you cannot use it with RV64 CPU.

  • Since there are different c runtime library can be chosen now, so developer need to provide different stub functions for different library, please check SoC/evalsoc/Common/Source/Stubs/ and SoC/evalsoc/ for example.



  • This variable is added in 0.5.0 release to support libncrt v3.0.0.

This variable is only valid when using libncrt c library >= v3.0.0, and you can choose different heapops when using libncrt c library to do heap related operations such as malloc or free.

  • basic: default, this is previous release of libncrt c library used one. A low-overhead best-fit heap where allocation and deallocation have very little internal fragmentation

  • realtime: A real-time heap where allocation and deallocation have O(1) performance

  • minimal: An allocate-only heap where deallocation and reallocation are not implemented

For previous libncrt library, this heapops is default binded with libncrt library, so you can’t choose different heap type, but now you can choose according to your requirements.



  • This variable is added in 0.5.0 release to support libncrt v3.0.0.

This variable is only valid when using libncrt c library >= v3.0.0, and you can choose different fileops when using libncrt c library to do basic input/output operations.

  • uart: default, lower level input/output via uart, developer need to implement metal_tty_putc/getc

  • semi: input/output via semihosting, if you pass SEMIHOST=1 in make, it will default choose this one when using libncrt library.

  • rtt: input/output via jlink rtt, require to use JLink tool.


SMP variable is used to control smp cpu core count, valid number must > 1.

When SMP variable is defined, extra gcc options for ld is passed -Wl,--defsym=__SMP_CPU_CNT=$(SMP), and extra c macro -DSMP_CPU_CNT=$(SMP) is defined this is passed in each SoC’s, such as SoC/evalsoc/

When SMP variable is defined, extra openocd command set SMP $(SMP) will also be passed when run openocd upload or create a openocd server.

For SMP application, please check application/baremetal/smphello, if you want to implement a smp application, you need to reimplement smp_main, which all harts will run to this function instead of main, if you don’t implement it, a weak smp_main in startup_<Device>.S will be used, and only boot hartid specified by BOOT_HARTID will enter to main, other harts will do wfi.



  • This new variable BOOT_HARTID is added in 0.4.0 release

This variable is used to control the boot hartid in a multiple core system. If SMP variable is specified, it means this application is expected to be a smp application, otherwise it means this application is expected to be a amp application.

For amp application, only the boot hart specified by BOOT_HARTID will run, other harts will directly do wfi when startup, but for smp application, other hartid will do normal boot code instead of code/data/bss init, and do sync harts to make sure all harts boots.

For both amp and smp application, the program should execute on a share memory which all harts can access, not hart private memory such as ilm/dlm.

Currently SMP and BOOT_HARTID support all require SOC support code to implement it, currently evalsoc support it, currently qemu simulation didn’t work for SMP/AMP use case.

Here is some basic usage for SMP and BOOT_HARTID on UX900 x4, run on external ddr.

# cd to helloworld
cd <Nuclei SDK>/application/baremetal/helloworld
# clean program
make SOC=evalsoc CORE=ux900 clean
# AMP: choose hart 1 as boot hartid, other harts spin
make SOC=evalsoc CORE=ux900 BOOT_HARTID=1 DOWNLOAD=ddr clean upload
cd <Nuclei SDK>/application/baremetal/smphello
# SMP: choose hart 2 as boot hartid
make SOC=evalsoc CORE=ux900 BOOT_HARTID=2 SMP=4 DOWNLOAD=ddr clean upload



  • This new variable is added in 0.5.0 release

This variable is used to set hartid offset relative to real hart index in a complex AMP SoC system.


In a SoC system, it has 2 CPU, CPU 0 has 2 smp core, CPU 1 has 1 core, and CPU 0 hartid is 0, 1, and CPU 1 hartid is 2, so for CPU 0, HARTID_OFS is 0, for CPU 1, HARTID_OFS is 2.


STACKSZ variable is used to control the per core stack size reserved in linker script, this need to cooperate with link script file and linker options.

In link script file, __STACK_SIZE symbol need to use PROVIDE feature of ld to define a weak version, such as PROVIDE(__STACK_SIZE = 2K);, and gcc will pass ld options -Wl,--defsym=__STACK_SIZE=$(STACKSZ) to overwrite the default value if STACKSZ is defined.

STACKSZ variable must be a valid value accepted by ld, such as 0x2000, 2K, 4K, 8192.

For SMP version, stack size space need to reserve STACKSZ x SMP Core Count size.

You can refer to SoC/evalsoc/Board/nuclei_fpga_eval/Source/GCC/gcc_evalsoc_ilm.ld for smp version.


HEAPSZ variable is used to control the heap size reserved in linker script, this need to cooperate with link script file and linker options.

In link script file, __HEAP_SIZE symbol need to use PROVIDE feature of ld to define a weak version, such as PROVIDE(__HEAP_SIZE = 2K);, and gcc will pass ld options -Wl,--defsym=__HEAP_SIZE=$(HEAPSZ) to overwrite the default value if HEAPSZ is defined.

HEAPSZ variable must be a valid value accepted by ld, such as 0x2000, 2K, 4K, 8192.


RISCV_ARCH variable is used to control compiler option -mcmodel=$(RISCV_ARCH).

It might override RISCV_ARCH defined in SoC, according to your implementation.

RISCV_ARCH might directly affect the gcc compiler option depended on the implementation of SoC

Take SOC=evalsoc for example.

  • CORE=n300 RISCV_ARCH=rv32imafdc_zk_zks RISCV_ABI=ilp32d ARCH_EXT=_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs, then final compiler options will be -march=rv32imafdc_zk_zks -mabi=ilp32d -mtune=nuclei-300-series. The ARCH_EXT is ignored.


RISCV_ABI variable is used to control compiler option -mcmodel=$(RISCV_ABI).

It might override RISCV_ABI defined in SoC, according to your implementation.


RISCV_CMODEL is used to control compiler option -mcmodel=$(RISCV_CMODEL).

For RV32, default value is medlow, otherwise medany for RV64.

You can set RISCV_CMODEL to override predefined value.


RISCV_TUNE is used to control compiler option -mtune=$(RISCV_TUNE).

It is defined in SoC, you can override it if your implementation allow it.



  • Added in 0.4.0 release.

This variable is used to define app common compiler flags to all c/asm/cpp compiler. You can pass it via make command to define extra flags to compile application.


This variable is similiar to APP_COMMON_FLAGS but used to pass extra app asm flags.


This variable is similiar to APP_COMMON_FLAGS but used to pass extra app c flags.


This variable is similiar to APP_COMMON_FLAGS but used to pass extra app cxx flags.


This variable is similiar to APP_COMMON_FLAGS but used to pass extra app linker flags.


NOGC variable is used to control whether to enable gc sections to reduce program code size or not, by default GC is enabled to reduce code size.

When GC is enabled, these options will be added:

  • Adding to compiler options: -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections

  • Adding to linker options: -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--check-sections

If you want to enable this GC feature, you can set NOGC=0 (default), GC feature will remove sections for you, but sometimes it might remove sections that are useful, e.g. For Nuclei SDK test cases, we use ctest framework, and we need to set NOGC=1 to disable GC feature.

When NOGC=0``(default), extra compile options ``-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections, and extra link options -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--check-sections will be passed.


RTTHREAD_MSH variable is valid only when RTOS is set to RTThread.

When RTTHREAD_MSH is set to 1:

  • The RTThread MSH component source code will be included

  • The MSH thread will be enabled in the background

  • Currently the msh getchar implementation is using a weak function implemented in rt_hw_console_getchar in OS/RTTThread/libcpu/risc-v/nuclei/cpuport.c