
This GD32VF103V RV-STAR Kit is an arduino compatiable board from Nuclei using GD32VF103VBT6 as main MCU.

GD32VF103V RV-STAR Board

GD32VF103V RV-STAR Board

Click GD32VF103V RV-STAR Development Kit to access the documents of this board.

Click online RV-STAR Development Board Overview to get basic information of this board.


Follow the guide in GD32VF103V RV-STAR Development Kit to setup the board, make sure the following items are set correctly:

  • Connect the USB Type-C port on board to your PC in order to download and debug programs and monitor the UART message.

  • Following steps in RV-STAR user manual to setup JTAG drivers for your development environment

How to use

For GD32VF103V RV-STAR board, the DOWNLOAD and CORE variables are fixed to flashxip and n205.

  • You can find its linker script in SoC/gd32vf103/Board/gd32vf103v_rvstar/Source/GCC/

    • gcc_gd32vf103_flashxip.ld: Linker script file for DOWNLOAD=flashxip

  • If you want to specify your own modified linker script, you can follow steps described in Change Link Script

  • You can find its openocd configuration file in SoC/gd32vf103/Board/gd32vf103v_rvstar/openocd_gd32vf103.cfg

To run this application in GD32VF103V RV-STAR board in Nuclei SDK, you just need to use this SOC and BOARD variables.

# Clean the application
make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar clean
# Build the application
make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar all
# Upload the application using openocd and gdb
make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar upload
# Debug the application using openocd and gdb
make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_rvstar debug