Nuclei Eval SoC
Nuclei CPU IP now with iregion feature will use totally new evaluation SoC, this SoC is different from previous Demo SoC, please take care.
Nuclei DemoSoC is now removed in 0.5.0 release, and please use evalsoc now.
Nuclei Eval SoC is an evaluation FPGA SoC from Nuclei for customer to evaluate Nuclei RISC-V Process Core, and it is a successor for Demo SoC.
To easy user to evaluate Nuclei Processor Core, the prototype SoC (called Nuclei Eval SoC) is provided for evaluation purpose.
This prototype SoC includes:
Processor Core, it can be Nuclei N class, NX class or UX class Processor Core.
On-Chip SRAMs for instruction and data.
The SoC buses.
The basic peripherals, such as UART, SPI etc.
With this prototype SoC, user can run simulations, map it into the FPGA board, and run with real embedded application examples.
If you want to learn more about this evaluation SoC, please get the
from Nuclei.
Supported Boards
In Nuclei SDK, we support the following boards based on Nuclei Evaluation SoC, see:
Nuclei FPGA Evaluation Kit, default Board when this SoC selected.
To ensure compatibility when using Nuclei EvalSoC(FPGA), please verify with our Application Engineer (AE) the specific CPU configuration to confirm if the EvalSoC’s CPU possesses the features you intend to test. You can utilize the cpuinfo application to determine the available CPU features on your system and cross-reference this information with the Nuclei ISA specifications.
In latest CPU RTL generation flow, it will also generate an Nuclei SDK to match CPU and EvalSoC RTL configuration, please use the generated Nuclei SDK to evaluate your CPU and EvalSoC feature.
The generated Nuclei SDK by nuclei_gen will do the following tasks:
: which will define CORE, ARCH_EXT, QEMU_SOCCFG or SIMULATION default value.Generate
: which will define current cpu feature macros.Generate
: which will define current qemu soc configuration according to the evalsoc and cpu configuration.Generate
: which will define the ilm/dlm/flash/ddr/sram base address and size.Modify
: Mainly changeworkmem_base/workmem_size/flashxip_base/xipnuspi_base
to adapt the evalsoc configuration.
If you want to use the generated Nuclei SDK by nuclei_gen In Nuclei Studio IDE, you need to zip it first,
and then import it using RV-Tools -> NPK Package Management
in Nuclei Studio IDE’s menu, and when
creating a IDE project using New Nuclei RISC-V C/C++ Project
, please select the correct sdk and version which
you can check it in the <SDK>/npk.yml
file, and in the project example configuration wizard window, you should
configure the Nuclei RISC-V Core and ARCH Extensions, Nuclei Cache Extensions
according to your configured CPU ISA, and CPU feature defined in generated cpufeature.h
WARNING: Currently you still need to modify IAR linker script(*.icf
) by yourself, it is not automatically modified.
If you want to use this Nuclei Evaluation SoC in Nuclei SDK, you need to set the
SOC Makefile variable to evalsoc
- Extra make variables supported only in this SoC and used internally only by Nuclei, not designed for widely used:
RUNMODE: it is used internally by Nuclei, used to control ILM/DLM/ICache/DCache enable or disable via make variable, please check
for details. It is not functional by default, unless you set a non-empty variable to thisRUNMODE
variable, it can be used with different ILM_EN/DLM_EN/IC_EN/DC_EN/CCM_EN.L2_EN: it is used internally by Nuclei, used to control L2 cache enable or disable, introduced in 0.6.0 release.
LDSPEC_EN: it is used internally by Nuclei, used to control load speculative enable or disable, introduced in 0.6.0 release.
BPU_EN: it is used internally by Nuclei, used to control branch prediction unit enable or disable, introduced in 0.6.0 release.
ECC_EN: it is used internally by Nuclei, used to control (ilm/dlm/L1 I/Dcache)ecc unit enable or disable, introduced in 0.7.0 release.
XLCFG_xxx make variables such as XLCFG_CIDU, XLCFG_CCM, XLCFG_TEE and XLCFG_SMPU which are used to overwrite default macros defined in
which will affect XXX_PRESENT macros inevalsoc.h
, introduced in 0.7.0 release.CODESIZE: it is used to control whether remove all template routine code for interrupt and exception and banner print code to measure basic code size requirement for evalsoc when
**SYSCLK``: it is used together with
to overwrite defaultSYSTEM_CLOCK
macro value for different bitstream, eg.SYSCLK=50000000 CODESIZE=1
, it will set default SYSTEM_CLOCK to 50000000.QEMU_MC_EXTOPT is used to pass extra options to Nuclei Qemu
machine options for evalsoc, please dont pass any extra,
to this make variable, you can pass such asQEMU_MC_EXTOPT=debug=1
but not passQEMU_MC_EXTOPT=,debug=1
QEMU_CPU_EXTOPT is used to pass extra options to Nuclei Qemu
cpu options for evalsoc, please dont pass any extra,
to this make variable, you can pass such asQEMU_CPU_EXTOPT=vlen=512
but not passQEMU_CPU_EXTOPT=,vlen=512
# Choose SoC to be evalsoc
# the following command will build application
# using default evalsoc SoC based board
# defined in Build System and application Makefile
make SOC=evalsoc info # you can check current working SDK configuration information
make SOC=evalsoc clean
make SOC=evalsoc all