5.1. Introduction to OpenOCD

5.1.1. Repositories and Documentation

OpenOCD Repositories

GitHub (RISC-V OpenOCD) Repository.

Gitee (RISC-V OpenOCD) Repository.



The OpenOCD Flashloader enables support for various customized flash programming implementations without requiring modifications to OpenOCD itself. For detailed usage instructions, please refer to the documentation in the source code repository.

GitHub (OpenFlashLoader) Repository.

Gitee (OpenFlashLoader) Repository.

Documentation Path: openocd/doc/pdf/openocd.pdf

5.2. Getting Started

5.2.1. Checking OpenOCD Version

To determine the installed OpenOCD version:

  1. Open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux)

  2. Execute the command: openocd -v



Current Version Information: - Git Commit ID: 787e48e66 - Compile Date: 2022-12-29 08:49

5.2.2. Running OpenOCD

Common Command Line Parameters




Display version information


Set debug level to 3


Error messages only


Error and warning messages


Error, warning, and info (default)


Error, warning, info, and debug messages


All messages including low-level debug

-f file

Use specified configuration file

-s dir

Directory to search for config files

-l logfile

Redirect log output to specified file

5.3. Nuclei-Specific Features

5.3.1. CPU Information Display

The nuclei cpuinfo command provides detailed information about the CPU’s capabilities, including:

  • Supported instruction sets

  • Available functional components

  • Component configurations

This command simplifies the process of querying CPU features by automatically reading and interpreting the relevant CSR (Control and Status Register) values, eliminating the need for manual register inspection and calculation.

5.3.2. NUSPI (Nuclei SPI) Driver

The NUSPI driver provides support for Nuclei’s SPI controller, which is utilized in Nuclei RISC-V FPGA evaluation boards and other compatible hardware.

Usage: flash bank name nuspi base size chip_width bus_width target spi_base [simulation]

5.3.3. Custom Driver with OpenFlashLoader

The custom driver provides compatibility with various SPI controllers and flash memory types. When using this driver, it must be combined with the OpenFlashLoader to achieve optimal functionality.

Usage: flash bank name custom base size chip_width bus_width target spi_base flashloader_path [simulation] [sectorsize=]

5.3.4. Nuclei-Specific CSRs

The Nuclei version of OpenOCD supports several custom CSRs (Control and Status Registers). For a complete list and detailed information, refer to:

GitHub (src/target/riscv/encoding.h).

Gitee (src/target/riscv/encoding.h).

5.3.5. Embedded Trace (ETrace) Support


The ETrace feature is currently in the experimental stage and should not be used in production environments.

Some Nuclei CPUs include embedded trace support, enabling detailed examination of instruction execution. The trace functionality is managed through an Embedded Trace (ETrace) module integrated into the CPU’s scan chains.

Current Implementation: - RISC-V ETrace Instruction Trace (available) - Data Trace (not yet implemented)

ETrace Commands:

  1. Configuration: nuclei etrace config etrace-addr buffer-addr buffer-size wrap - Initializes ETrace and configures operational parameters

  2. Control: - nuclei etrace enable: Activates ETrace functionality - nuclei etrace disable: Deactivates ETrace functionality - nuclei etrace start: Begins trace data collection - nuclei etrace stop: Stops trace data collection

  3. Data Management: - nuclei etrace dump filename: Exports captured trace data to a file - nuclei etrace clear: Resets trace buffer pointers - nuclei etrace info: Displays current ETrace status


The ETrace feature is also available in Nuclei Studio IDE. Refer to the IDE documentation for additional implementation details.

5.3.6. Debug Map Feature


The debug map for each hardware thread (hart) is automatically read and displayed during OpenOCD initialization. Alternatively, you can access the debug map at runtime using the examine_cpu_core command.

For detailed documentation about the Nuclei debug map feature, please contact your application engineer.


  • nuclei expose_cpu_core - Configures the list of indices for nuclei_examine_cpu_core - Must be executed before the init command

  • nuclei examine_cpu_core - Returns a 64-bit value combining dm-custom1 and dm-custom2 registers - Value calculation: (dm-custom2 << 32) + dm-custom1

5.3.7. Cross-Trigger Interface

The Cross-Trigger Interface (CTI) provides an advanced debugging mechanism that enables developers to:

  • Trigger specific debugging actions

  • Synchronize multiple debugging-related events

Available Commands:

  • nuclei cti halt_group on/off target_name0 target_name1 ... - Controls halt group triggers

  • nuclei cti resume_group on/off target_name0 target_name1 ... - Controls resume group triggers

5.3.8. Reset and Halt Command

The init resethalt command addresses situations where:

  • The CPU becomes unresponsive due to software issues

  • The debugger loses connection with the development board

  • Power cycling is ineffective (particularly when code is running from flash)

This command provides a software-based solution to reset and halt the CPU without requiring physical power cycling.

5.3.9. FTDI nSCAN1 Mode Command

The ftdi nscan1_mode command controls Nuclei’s Compact JTAG (cJTAG) mode functionality.

Usage: ftdi nscan1_mode on|off


This command follows the same syntax and behavior as the standard ftdi oscan1_mode command.

5.4. Configuration File Overview

The OpenOCD configuration file defines how to establish a connection with the development board through the debug interface. Nuclei provides a sample configuration file that can be adapted to specific hardware requirements.

Example Configuration:

  • Using Nuclei HBird Debugger (FTDI-based)

Reference implementation.

5.4.1. Debugger Speed Configuration

To adjust the debugger communication speed:

  • adapter_khz 1000

  • adapter speed 1000

Both commands set the debugger speed to 1000 kHz.

5.4.2. Debugger Interface Configuration

The following configuration selects and initializes the FTDI debugger interface:

adapter driver ftdi
ftdi vid_pid 0x0403 0x6010

transport select jtag

ftdi layout_init 0x0008 0x001b
ftdi layout_signal nSRST -oe 0x0020 -data 0x0020
ftdi layout_signal TCK -data 0x0001
ftdi layout_signal TDI -data 0x0002
ftdi layout_signal TDO -input 0x0004
ftdi layout_signal TMS -data 0x0008
ftdi layout_signal JTAG_SEL -data 0x0100 -oe 0x0100

Configuration Details: - FTDI chip VID/PID must match the connected hardware - JTAG transport protocol selected - Signal layout configured for HBird Debugger compatibility

5.4.3. Debugger Mode Configuration

OpenOCD supports two debugging modes:

  • JTAG Mode: Enabled with ftdi nscan1_mode off

  • Compact JTAG (cJTAG) Mode: Enabled with ftdi nscan1_mode on

5.4.5. Work Area Configuration

The work area is a dedicated memory region that accelerates various operations, including:

  • Memory read/write operations

  • Execution of small program fragments

  • Flash memory operations

Configuration Example:

$_TARGETNAME0 configure -work-area-phys 0x08000000 -work-area-size 0x10000 -work-area-backup 1


Work Area Requirements: - Must be a readable, writable, and executable memory region - Base address (0x08000000) and size (0x10000) should be adjusted according to system requirements

5.4.6. NOR Flash Configuration

The NOR flash configuration specifies the memory mapping and controller settings:

flash bank $_FLASHNAME0 nuspi 0x20000000 0 0 0 $_TARGETNAME0.0 0x10180000


Configuration Parameters: - nuspi: Flash driver type (adjust as needed) - 0x20000000: QSPI XIP address (adjust as needed) - 0x10180000: QSPI controller base address (adjust as needed)

5.4.7. Debugger Connection Specification

When multiple debuggers are present in the debugging environment, you can specify which debugger to connect to using:

ftdi_serial FT4YR31I

Replace “FT4YR31I” with the actual serial number of your debugger.

5.4.8. Debugging Service Ports

OpenOCD provides three debugging service ports:

  1. GDB Port (default: 3333)

  2. Telnet Port (default: 4444)

  3. TCL Port (default: 6666)

Configuration Example:

gdb_port 3333
telnet_port 4444
tcl_port 6666


  • Port numbers can be customized if the default ports are unavailable

  • To disable a service, set its port to disable

  • Ensure port numbers don’t conflict with other services

5.4.9. Semihosting Support

OpenOCD supports ARM semihosting, which allows target programs to use host system resources. To enable:

arm semihosting enable


Semihosting provides access to: - File I/O operations - Console input/output - System clock information - Other host system services

For more detailed information about how to use openocd, please check the openocd.pdf distributed in openocd release.

5.4.10. Target Defer Examine

In some multicore systems, the slave-target is not debuggable and needs to be unlocked by the host-target before it can be used, in which case the -defer-examine parameter is needed.

# Configuring the “-defer-examine” parameter
$SLAVE_TARGETNAME configure -defer-examine

# Override events, the following events will trigger reset, slave-target needs to be initialized manually after reset
$_TARGETNAME1_0 configure -event gdb-flash-erase-start {
$_TARGETNAME1_0 configure -event gdb-flash-write-end {

# Initialization, since the slave-target specifies the “-defer-examine” parameter, only the other targets will be initialized.

# The host-target unlocks the slave-target with the command configuration registers
$HOST_TARGETNAME dmi_write/dm_write
$HOST_TARGETNAME dmi_read/dm_read

# Manually initialize slave-target

5.5. Frequently Asked Questions

For additional troubleshooting and common issues, refer to:

5.6. Low-Cost Debugger Solution

Nuclei provides an affordable debugging solution for RISC-V CPUs:

  • Supports both JTAG and cJTAG protocols

  • Fully compatible with Nuclei Studio

  • Open-source implementation available

Dlink Repository.

5.7. Change Log

5.7.1. Version 2025.02

Known Issues:

  • There is a probability that writing flash under smp multi-core architecture will fail, which can be solved by clarifying the number of SMP cores or reducing the JTAG frequency.

New Features:

  • Live watch feature implementation

  • Nuclei CTI command group support

  • Enhanced ETrace command group functionality

  • Optimized CPU information command


  • Continuous integration and documentation enhancements

  • Code organization: consolidated Nuclei commands into nuclei_riscv.c

  • Register access optimization: replaced vslide1down_vx with direct vx register access

CSR Updates:

New Custom CSRs:

Address Range

CSR Name





CSR Renaming:

Old Name

New Name











Base Version: