Build System based on Makefile

HummingBird SDK’s build system is based on Makefile, user can build, run ordebug application in Windows and Linux.

Makefile Structure

HummingBird SDK’s Makefiles mainly placed in <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Build directory and an extra Makefile located in <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Makefile.

This extra <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Makefile introduce a new Make variable called PROGRAM to provide the ability to build or run application in <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>.

For example, if you want to rebuild and upload application application/baremetal/timer_test, you can run make PROGRAM=application/baremetal/timer_test clean upload to achieve it.

The <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Build directory content list as below:

Makefile.files  -> Created by user

The file or directory is used explained as below:


This Makefile.base file is used as HummingBird SDK build system entry file, application’s Makefile need to include this file to use all the features of HummingBird SDK build system.

It will expose Make variables or options such as BOARD or SOC passed by make command, click Makefile variables passed by make command to learn more.

This file will include optional and Makefile.local which allow user to set custom global Makefile configurations and local application Makefile configurations.

This file will include the following makefiles:


The gmsl directory consist of the GNU Make Standard Library (GMSL), which is an a library of functions to be used with GNU Make’s $(call) that provides functionality not available in standard GNU Make.

We use this gmsl tool to make sure we help us achieve some linux command which is only supported in Linux.


This Makefile.misc file mainly provide these functions:

  • Define get_csrcs, get_asmsrcs, get_cxxsrcs and check_item_exist make functions

    • get_csrcs: Function to get *.c or *.C source files from a list of directories, no ability to do recursive match. e.g. $(call get_csrcs, csrc csrc/abc) will return c source files in csrc and csrc/abc directories.

    • get_asmsrcs: Function to get *.s or *.S source files from a list of directories, no ability to do recursive match. e.g. $(call get_asmsrcs, asmsrc asmsrc/abc) will return asm source files in asmsrc and asmsrc/abc directories.

    • get_cxxsrcs: Function to get *.cpp or *.CPP source files from a list of directories, no ability to do recursive match. e.g. $(call get_cxxsrcs, cppsrc cppsrc/abc) will return cpp source files in cppsrc and cppsrc/abc directories.

    • check_item_exist: Function to check if item existed in a set of items. e.g. $(call check_item_exist, flash, flash ilm flashxip) will check flash whether existed in flash ilm flashxip, if existed, return flash, otherwise return empty.

  • Check and define OS related functions, and also a set of trace print functions.


This Makefile.conf file will define the following items:

  • Toolchain related variables used during compiling

  • Debug related variables

  • Include Makefile.files and Makefile.rtos

  • Collect all the C/C++/ASM compiling and link options


This Makefile.components will include Makefiles of selected components defined via makefile variable MIDDLEWARE, the Makefiles are placed in the sub-folders of <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Components/.

A valid middleware component should be organized like this, take fatfs as example :

├── documents
├── LICENSE.txt
└── source

For example, if there are two valid middleware components in <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Components/, called fatfs and tjpgd, and you want to use them in your application, then you can set MIDDLEWARE like this MIDDLEWARE := fatfs tjpgd, then the application will include these two middlewares into build process.


This Makefile.rules file will do the following things:

  • Collect all the sources during compiling

  • Define all the rules used for building, uploading and debugging

  • Print help message for build system


This Makefile.files file will do the following things:

  • Define common C/C++/ASM source and include directories

  • Define common C/C++/ASM macros

  • Include Makefile.files.<SOC> which will include all the source code related to the SOC and BOARD


This Makefile.soc will include valid makefiles located in <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/SoC/<SOC>/ according to the SOC makefile variable setting.

It will define the following items:

  • DOWNLOAD and CORE variables

  • Linker script used according to the DOWNLOAD mode settings

  • OpenOCD debug configuration file used for the SoC and Board

  • Some extra compiling or debugging options

A valid SoC should be organized like this, take hbirdv2 as example:

├── Board
│   └── hbird_fpga_eval
│       ├── Include
│       │   ├── board_hbird_fpga_eval.h
│       │   └── hbird_sdk_hal.h
│       ├── Source
│       │   └── GCC
│       └── openocd_hbirdv2.cfg
└── Common
    ├── Include
    │   ├── hbirdv2.h
    │   ├── ... ...
    │   ├── hbirdv2_uart.h
    │   ├── hbird_sdk_soc.h
    │   └── system_hbirdv2.h
    └── Source
        ├── Drivers
        │   ├── ... ...
        │   └── hbirdv2_uart.c
        ├── GCC
        │   ├── intexc_hbirdv2.S
        │   └── startup_hbirdv2.S
        ├── Stubs
        │   ├── read.c
        │   ├── ... ...
        │   └── write.c
        ├── hbirdv2_common.c
        └── system_hbirdv2.c


This Makefile.rtos will include <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/OS/<RTOS>/ according to our RTOS variable.

A valid rtos should be organized like this, take UCOSII as example:

├── arch
├── license.txt
└── source

If no RTOS is chosen, then RTOS code will not be included during compiling, user will develop baremetal application.

If FreeRTOS, UCOSII or RTThread RTOS is chosen, then FreeRTOS UCOSII, or RTThread source code will be included during compiling, and extra compiler option -DRTOS_$(RTOS_UPPER) will be passed, then user can develop RTOS application.

For example, if FreeRTOS is selected, then -DRTOS_FREERTOS compiler option will be passed.


This Makefile.core is used to define the RISC-V ARCH and ABI used during compiling of the CORE list supported.

If you want to add a new CORE, you need to add a new line before SUPPORTED_CORES, and append the new CORE to SUPPORTED_CORES.

For example, if you want to add a new CORE called e207, and the e207’s ARCH and ABI are rv32imafdc and ilp32d, then you can add a new line like this E207_CORE_ARCH_ABI = rv32imafdc ilp32d, and append e207 to SUPPORTED_CORES like this SUPPORTED_CORES = e201 e201e e203 e205 e205f e205fd e207


  • The appended new CORE need to lower-case, e.g. e207

  • The new defined variable E207_CORE_ARCH_ABI need to be all upper-case.

This file is an optional file, and will not be tracked by git, user can create own in <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Build directory.

In this file, user can define custom SOC, BOARD, DOWNLOAD options to overwrite the default configuration.

For example, if you will use only the HummingBird Evaluation Kit, you can create the <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Build/ as below:

SOC ?= hbird
BOARD ?= hbird_eval
DOWNLOAD ?= flashxip


  • If you add above file, then you can build, run, debug application without passing SOC, BOARD and DOWNLOAD variables using make command for HummingBird Evaluation Kit board, e.g.

  • If you create the like above sample code, you will also be able to use HummingBird SDK build system as usually, it will only change the default SOC, BOARD and DOWNLOAD, but you can still override the default variable using make command, such as make SOC=hbird BOARD=hbird_eval DOWNLOAD=ilm


As the is used to override the default Makefile configurations, and the Makefile.local is used to override application level Makefile configurations, and also this file will not be tracked by git.

User can create Makefile.local file in any of the application folder, placed together with the application Makefile, for example, you can create Makefile.local in application/baremetal/helloworld to override default make configuration for this helloworld application.

If you want to change the default board for helloworld to use HummingBird Evaluation Kit, you can create application/baremetal/helloworld/Makefile.local as below:

SOC ?= hbird
BOARD ?= hbird_eval
DOWNLOAD ?= flashxip


  • This local make configuration will override global and default make configuration.

  • If you just want to change only some applications’ makefile configuration, you can add and update Makefile.local for those applications.

Makefile targets of make command

Here is a list of the Make targets supported by HummingBird SDK Build System.

Make targets supported by HummingBird SDK Build System




display help message of HummingBird SDK build system


display selected configuration information


build application with selected configuration


clean application with selected configuration


build and dissemble application with selected configuration


build and generate application binary with selected configuration


build and upload application with selected configuration


run openocd server with selected configuration


build and start gdb process with selected configuration


build and debug application with selected configuration


Makefile variables passed by make command

In HummingBird SDK build system, we exposed the following Makefile variables which can be passed via make command.


  • These variables can also be used and defined in application Makefile

  • If you just want to fix your running board of your application, you can just define these variables in application Makefile, if defined, then you can simply use make clean, make upload or make debug, etc.


SOC variable is used to declare which SoC is used in application during compiling.

You can easily find the supported SoCs in the <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/SoC directory.

Currently we support the following SoCs, see Supported SoCs.

Supported SoCs




HummingBird SoC


HummingBird SoC V2


Board variable is used to declare which Board is used in application during compiling.

The BOARD variable should match the supported boards of chosen SOC. You can easily find the supported Boards in the <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/<SOC>/Board/ directory.

Currently we support the following Boards.

Supported Boards when SOC=hbird




HummingBird Evaluation Kit

Supported Boards when SOC=hbirdv2




DDR200T Evaluation Kit


MCU200T Evaluation Kit


  • If you only specify SOC variable in make command, it will use default BOARD and CORE option defined in Makefile.soc.<SOC>


DOWNLOAD variable is used to declare the download mode of the application, currently it has these modes supported as described in table Supported download modes

Supported download modes




Program will be download into ilm/ram and
run directly in ilm/ram, program lost when poweroff


Program will be download into flash, when running,
program will be copied to ilm/ram and run in ilm/ram


Program will to be download into flash and run directly in Flash


  • HummingBird SoC support all the download modes.

  • flashxip mode in HummingBird SoC is very slow due to the CORE frequency is very slow, and Flash speed is slow


CORE variable is used to declare the HummingBird RISC-V processor core of the application.

Currently it has these cores supported as described in table Supported HummingBird RISC-V Processor cores.

Supported HummingBird RISC-V Processor cores











If SIMULATION=1, it means the program is optimized for hardware simulation environment.

Currently if SIMULATION=1, it will pass compile option -DCFG_SIMULATION, application can use this CFG_SIMULATION to optimize program for hardware simulation environment.


  • Currently the benchmark applications in application/baremetal/benchmark used this optimization



  • This new variable GDB_PORT is added in HummingBird SDK since version 0.2.4

This variable is not used usually, by default the GDB_PORT variable is 3333.

If you want to change a debug gdb port for openocd and gdb when run run_openocd and run_gdb target, you can pass a new port such as 3344 to this variable.

For example, if you want to debug application using run_openocd and run_gdb and specify a different port other than 3333.

You can do it like this, take hbird_eval board for example, such as port 3344:

  • Open openocd server: make SOC=hbird BOARD=hbird_eval CORE=e203 GDB_PORT=3344 run_openocd

  • connect gdb with openocd server: make SOC=hbird BOARD=hbird_eval CORE=e203 GDB_PORT=3344 run_gdb


If V=1, it will display compiling message in verbose including compiling options.

By default, no compiling options will be displayed in make console message just to print less message and make the console message cleaner. If you want to see what compiling option is used, please pass V=1 in your make command.


If SILENT=1, it will not display any compiling messsage.

If you don’t want to see any compiling message, you can pass SILENT=1 in your make command.

Makefile variables used only in Application Makefile

The following variables should be used in application Makefile at your demand, e.g. application/baremetal/timer_test/Makefile.


This is a necessary variable which must be defined in application Makefile.

It is used to set the name of the application, it will affect the generated target filenames.


This is a necessary variable which must be defined in application Makefile.

It is used to set the path of HummingBird SDK Root, usually it should be set as relative path, but you can also set absolute path to point to HummingBird SDK.


RTOS variable is used to choose which RTOS will be used in this application.

You can easily find the supported RTOSes in the <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/OS directory.

  • If RTOS is not defined, then baremetal service will be enabled with this application. See examples in application/baremetal.

  • If RTOS is set the the following values, RTOS service will be enabled with this application.

    • FreeRTOS: FreeRTOS service will be enabled, you can include FreeRTOS header files now, and use FreeRTOS API, for FreeRTOS application, you need to have an FreeRTOSConfig.h header file prepared in you application. See examples in application/freertos.

    • UCOSII: UCOSII service will be enabled, you can include UCOSII header files now, and use UCOSII API, for UCOSII application, you need to have app_cfg.h, os_cfg.h and app_hooks.c files prepared in you application. See examples in application/ucosii.

    • RTThread: RT-Thread service will be enabled, you can include RT-Thread header files now, and use RT-Thread API, for UCOSII application, you need to have an rtconfig.h header file prepared in you application. See examples in application/rtthread.


MIDDLEWARE variable is used to select which middlewares should be used in this application.

You can easily find the available middleware components in the <HBIRD_SDK_ROOT>/Components directory.

  • If MIDDLEWARE is not defined, not leave empty, no middlware package will be selected.

  • If MIDDLEWARE is defined with more than 1 string, such as fatfs tjpgd, then these two middlewares will be selected.


PFLOAT variable is used to enable floating point value print when using the newlib nano(NEWLIB=nano).

If you don’t use newlib nano, this variable will have no affect.


NEWLIB variable is used to select which newlib version will be chosen.

If NEWLIB=nano, then newlib nano will be selected. About newlib, please visit

If NEWLIB=, then normal newlib will be used.


NOGC variable is used to control whether to enable gc sections to reduce program code size or not, by default GC is enabled to reduce code size.

When GC is enabled, these options will be added:

  • Adding to compiler options: -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections

  • Adding to linker options: -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--check-sections

If you don’t want disable this GC feature, you can set NOGC=1, GC feature will remove sections for you, but sometimes it might remove sections that are useful, e.g. For HummingBird SDK test cases, we use ctest framework, and we need to set NOGC=1 to disable GC feature.


RTTHREAD_MSH variable is valid only when RTOS is set to RTThread.

When RTTHREAD_MSH is set to 1:

  • The RTThread MSH component source code will be included

  • The MSH thread will be enabled in the background

  • Currently the msh getchar implementation is using a weak function implemented in rt_hw_console_getchar in OS/RTTThread/libcpu/risc-v/nuclei/cpuport.c