Systick Timer(SysTimer)
SysTimer API
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_SetLoadValue (uint64_t value)
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint64_t SysTimer_GetLoadValue (void)
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_SetCompareValue (uint64_t value)
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint64_t SysTimer_GetCompareValue (void)
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_SetSWIRQ (void)
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_ClearSWIRQ (void)
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t SysTimer_GetMsipValue (void)
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_SetMsipValue (uint32_t msip)
- __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t SysTick_Config (uint64_t ticks)
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t SysTick_Reload (uint64_t ticks)
- group NMSIS_Core_SysTimer
Functions that configure the Core System Timer.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_SetLoadValue (uint64_t value)
Set system timer load value.
This function set the system timer load value in MTIMER register.
Load value is 64bits wide.
- Parameters
value – [in] value to set system timer MTIMER register.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint64_t SysTimer_GetLoadValue (void)
Get system timer load value.
This function get the system timer current value in MTIMER register.
Load value is 64bits wide.
- Returns
current value(64bit) of system timer MTIMER register.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_SetCompareValue (uint64_t value)
Set system timer compare value.
This function set the system Timer compare value in MTIMERCMP register.
Compare value is 64bits wide.
If compare value is larger than current value timer interrupt generate.
Modify the load value or compare value less to clear the interrupt.
- Parameters
value – [in] compare value to set system timer MTIMERCMP register.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint64_t SysTimer_GetCompareValue (void)
Get system timer compare value.
This function get the system timer compare value in MTIMERCMP register.
Compare value is 64bits wide.
- Returns
compare value of system timer MTIMERCMP register.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_SetSWIRQ (void)
Trigger or set software interrupt via system timer.
This function set the system timer MSIP bit in MSIP register.
Set system timer MSIP bit and generate a SW interrupt.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_ClearSWIRQ (void)
Clear system timer software interrupt pending request.
This function clear the system timer MSIP bit in MSIP register.
Clear system timer MSIP bit in MSIP register to clear the software interrupt pending.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t SysTimer_GetMsipValue (void)
Get system timer MSIP register value.
This function get the system timer MSIP register value.
Bit0 is SW interrupt flag. Bit0 is 1 then SW interrupt set. Bit0 is 0 then SW interrupt clear.
- Returns
Value of Timer MSIP register.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SysTimer_SetMsipValue (uint32_t msip)
Set system timer MSIP register value.
This function set the system timer MSIP register value.
- Parameters
msip – [in] value to set MSIP register
- __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t SysTick_Config (uint64_t ticks)
System Tick Configuration.
Initializes the System Timer and its non-vector interrupt, and starts the System Tick Timer.
In our default implementation, the timer counter will be set to zero, and it will start a timer compare non-vector interrupt when it matchs the ticks user set, during the timer interrupt user should reload the system tick using SysTick_Reload function or similar function written by user, so it can produce period timer interrupt.
See also
SysTimer_SetCompareValue; SysTimer_SetLoadValue
- Parameters
ticks – [in] Number of ticks between two interrupts.
- Returns
0 Function succeeded.
- Returns
1 Function failed.
- __STATIC_FORCEINLINE uint32_t SysTick_Reload (uint64_t ticks)
System Tick Reload.
Reload the System Timer Tick when the MTIMECMP reached TIME value
See also
- Parameters
ticks – [in] Number of ticks between two interrupts.
- Returns
0 Function succeeded.
- Returns
1 Function failed.