In Nuclei N100 SDK, we just provided applications which can run in different boards without any changes in code to demonstrate the baremetal service, freertos service and ucosii service features.
The provided applications can be divided into three categories:
Bare-metal applications: Located in
FreeRTOS applications: Located in
UCOSII applications: Located in
RTThread applications: Located in
If you want to develop your own application in Nuclei N100 SDK, please click Application Development to learn more about it.
The following applications are running Nuclei Eval SoC.
Only benchmark/helloworld can run on Nuclei Qemu >= 2024.02 now.
Most of the application demostrated below using
, you can easily change it to other SoC such as evalsoc by change it toSOC=evalsoc
Some applications may not be able to be run on your SoC using Nuclei CPU due to lack of cpu feature required to run on it.
Almost all the applications required Nuclei CPU configured with irqc and System Timer hardware feature.
Almost all the application required UART to print message, so you need to implement an UART drivers and clib stub functions, if you use SEMIHOST to print message, it is not required.
Bare-metal applications
This helloworld application is used to print hello world, and also will check this RISC-V CSR MISA register value.
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the helloworld directory
cd application/baremetal/helloworld
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:19:03
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16001597 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
Hart 0, MISA: 0x40001104
Got rand integer 455647 using seed 1933213352.
0: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
1: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
2: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
3: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
4: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
5: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
6: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
7: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
8: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
9: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
10: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
11: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
12: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
13: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
14: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
15: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
16: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
17: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
18: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
19: Hello World From Nuclei RISC-V Processor!
This demo_timer application is used to demonstrate how to use the CORE TIMER API including the Timer Interrupt and Timer Software Interrupt.
First the timer interrupt will run for 5 times
Then the software timer interrupt will start to run for 5 times
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the demo_timer directory
cd application/baremetal/demo_timer
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:20:01
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000942 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
init timer and start
MTimer IRQ handler 1
MTimer IRQ handler 2
MTimer IRQ handler 3
MTimer IRQ handler 4
MTimer IRQ handler 5
MTimer SW IRQ handler 1
MTimer SW IRQ handler 2
MTimer SW IRQ handler 3
MTimer SW IRQ handler 4
MTimer SW IRQ handler 5
MTimer msip and mtip interrupt test finish and pass
This demo_irqc application is used to demonstrate how to use the irqc API and Interrupt.
The timer interrupt and timer software interrupt are used
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the demo_irqc directory
cd application/baremetal/demo_irqc
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:21:42
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000942 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
Initialize timer and start timer interrupt periodically
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]timer interrupt hit 0 times
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]trigger software interrupt
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]software interrupt will run when timer interrupt finished
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]timer interrupt end
[IN SOFTWARE INTERRUPT]software interrupt hit 0 times
[IN SOFTWARE INTERRUPT]software interrupt end
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]timer interrupt hit 1 times
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]trigger software interrupt
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]software interrupt will run when timer interrupt finished
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]timer interrupt end
[IN SOFTWARE INTERRUPT]software interrupt hit 1 times
[IN SOFTWARE INTERRUPT]software interrupt end
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]timer interrupt hit 2 times
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]trigger software interrupt
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]software interrupt will run when timer interrupt finished
[IN TIMER INTERRUPT]timer interrupt end
[IN SOFTWARE INTERRUPT]software interrupt hit 2 times
[IN SOFTWARE INTERRUPT]software interrupt end
This demo_extirq application is used to demonstrate how to use external interrupt with irqc controller.
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
cd application/baremetal/demo_extirq
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:22:37
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000942 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
You can press any key now to trigger uart receive interrupt
Enter uart0 interrupt, you just typed: 1
Enter uart0 interrupt, you just typed: 2
Enter uart0 interrupt, you just typed: 3
This lowpower application is used to demonstrate how to use low-power feature of RISC-V processor.
Timer interrupt is setup before enter to wfi mode, and global interrupt will be disabled, so interrupt handler will not be entered, and will directly resume to next pc of wfi.
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# Assume your processor has enabled low-power feature
# cd to the low-power directory
cd application/baremetal/lowpower
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:24:42
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16001597 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
CSV, WFI Start/End, 205728/205743
CSV, WFI Cost, 15
This coremark benchmark application is used to run EEMBC CoreMark Software.
EEMBC CoreMark Software is a product of EEMBC and is provided under the terms of the CoreMark License that is distributed with the official EEMBC COREMARK Software release. If you received this EEMBC CoreMark Software without the accompanying CoreMark License, you must discontinue use and download the official release from
In Nuclei N100 SDK, we provided code and Makefile for this coremark
You can also optimize the COMMON_FLAGS
defined in coremark application Makefile
to get different score number.
By default, this application runs for 15 iterations, you can also change this in Makefile. e.g. Change this
to value such as-DITERATIONS=20
macro PERFORMANCE_RUN=1 is defined
STDCLIB ?= newlib_small is added in its Makefile to enable float value print
N100’s time and cycle counter is only 24bit, easy to overflow, so make sure the iteration is small.
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the coremark directory
cd application/baremetal/benchmark/coremark
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:37:47
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000286 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
Start to run coremark for 15 iterations
2K performance run parameters for coremark.
CoreMark Size : 666
Total ticks : 5052270
Total time (secs): 0.315755
Iterations/Sec : 47.505194
ERROR! Must execute for at least 10 secs for a valid result!
Iterations : 15
Compiler version : GCC13.1.1 20230713
Compiler flags : -Ofast -fno-code-hoisting -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-common -finline-functions -falign-functions=4 -falign-jumps=4 -falign-loops=4 -finline1
Memory location : STACK
seedcrc : 0xe9f5
[0]crclist : 0xe714
[0]crcmatrix : 0x1fd7
[0]crcstate : 0x8e3a
[0]crcfinal : 0x2d47
Errors detected
Print Personal Added Addtional Info to Easy Visual Analysis
(Iterations is: 15
(total_ticks is: 5052270
(*) Assume the core running at 1 MHz
So the CoreMark/MHz can be calculated by:
(Iterations*1000000/total_ticks) = 2.968962 CoreMark/MHz
CSV, Benchmark, Iterations, Cycles, CoreMark/MHz
CSV, CoreMark, 15, 5052270, 2.968
This dhrystone benchmark application is used to run DHRYSTONE Benchmark Software.
The Dhrystone benchmark program has become a popular benchmark for CPU/compiler performance measurement, in particular in the area of minicomputers, workstations, PC’s and microprocesors.
It apparently satisfies a need for an easy-to-use integer benchmark;
it gives a first performance indication which is more meaningful than MIPS numbers which, in their literal meaning (million instructions per second), cannot be used across different instruction sets (e.g. RISC vs. CISC).
With the increasing use of the benchmark, it seems necessary to reconsider the benchmark and to check whether it can still fulfill this function.
In Nuclei N100 SDK, we provided code and Makefile for this dhrystone
You can also optimize the COMMON_FLAGS
defined in dhrystone application Makefile
to get different score number.
STDCLIB ?= newlib_small is added in its Makefile to enable float value print
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the dhrystone directory
cd application/baremetal/benchmark/dhrystone
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:38:59
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000942 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
Dhrystone Benchmark, Version 2.1 (Language: C)
Program compiled without 'register' attribute
Please give the number of runs through the benchmark:
Execution starts, 2000 runs through Dhrystone
Execution ends
Final values of the variables used in the benchmark:
Int_Glob: 5
should be: 5
Bool_Glob: 1
should be: 1
Ch_1_Glob: A
should be: A
Ch_2_Glob: B
should be: B
Arr_1_Glob[8]: 7
should be: 7
Arr_2_Glob[8][7]: 2010
should be: Number_Of_Runs + 10
Ptr_Comp: -1879032512
should be: (implementation-dependent)
Discr: 0
should be: 0
Enum_Comp: 2
should be: 2
Int_Comp: 17
should be: 17
Ptr_Comp: -1879032512
should be: (implementation-dependent), same as above
Discr: 0
should be: 0
Enum_Comp: 1
should be: 1
Int_Comp: 18
should be: 18
Int_1_Loc: 5
should be: 5
Int_2_Loc: 13
should be: 13
Int_3_Loc: 7
should be: 7
Enum_Loc: 1
should be: 1
Measured time too small to obtain meaningful results
Please increase number of runs
(*) User_Cycle for total run through Dhrystone with loops 2000:
So the DMIPS/MHz can be calculated by:
1000000/(User_Cycle/Number_Of_Runs)/1757 = 1.092399 DMIPS/MHz
CSV, Benchmark, Iterations, Cycles, DMIPS/MHz
CSV, Dhrystone, 2000, 1042022, 1.092
This whetstone benchmark application is used to run C/C++ Whetstone Benchmark Software (Single or Double Precision).
The Fortran Whetstone programs were the first general purpose benchmarks that set industry standards of computer system performance. Whetstone programs also addressed the question of the efficiency of different programming languages, an important issue not covered by more contemporary standard benchmarks.
In Nuclei N100 SDK, we provided code and Makefile for this whetstone
You can also optimize the COMMON_FLAGS
defined in whetstone application Makefile
to get different score number.
STDCLIB ?= newlib_small is added in its Makefile to enable float value print
Extra LDLIBS := -lm is added in its Makefile to include the math library
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the whetstone directory
cd application/baremetal/benchmark/whetstone
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:41:32
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000942 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
Single Precision C Whetstone Benchmark Opt 3 32 Bit
14.54 Seconds 1 Passes (x 100)
Use 1 passes (x 100)
Single Precision C/C++ Whetstone Benchmark
Loop content Result MFLOPS MOPS Seconds
N1 floating point -1.12475013732910156 0.148 0.130
N2 floating point -1.12274742126464844 0.149 0.901
N3 if then else 1.00000000000000000 226.099 0.000
N4 fixed point 12.00000000000000000 0.764 0.412
N5 sin,cos etc. 0.49909299612045288 0.015 5.601
N6 floating point 0.99999982118606567 0.142 3.804
N7 assignments 3.00000000000000000 71.241 0.003
N8 exp,sqrt etc. 0.75110614299774170 0.010 3.693
MWIPS 0.688 14.544
MWIPS/MHz 0.043 14.544
CSV, Benchmark, MWIPS/MHz
CSV, Whetstone, 0.042
FreeRTOS applications
This freertos demo application is to show basic freertos task functions.
Two freertos tasks are created
A software timer is created
In Nuclei N100 SDK, we provided code and Makefile for this freertos demo
RTOS = FreeRTOS is added in its Makefile to include FreeRTOS service
The configTICK_RATE_HZ in
is set to 100, you can change it to other number according to your requirement.
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the freertos demo directory
cd application/freertos/demo
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:44:39
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000942 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
Before StartScheduler
Enter to task_1
task1 is running 0.....
Enter to task_2
task2 is running 0.....
task1 is running 1.....
task2 is running 1.....
task1 is running 2.....
task2 is running 2.....
task1 is running 3.....
task2 is running 3.....
task1 is running 4.....
task2 is running 4.....
timers Callback 0
task1 is running 5.....
task2 is running 5.....
task1 is running 6.....
task2 is running 6.....
task1 is running 7.....
UCOSII applications
This ucosii demo application is show basic ucosii task functions.
4 tasks are created
1 task is created first, and then create 3 other tasks and then suspend itself
In Nuclei N100 SDK, we provided code and Makefile for this ucosii demo
RTOS = UCOSII is added in its Makefile to include UCOSII service
is by default set to 50, you can change it to other number according to your requirement.
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the ucosii demo directory
cd application/ucosii/demo
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:45:42
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000286 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
Start ucosii...
create start task success
start all task...
task3 is running... 1
task2 is running... 1
task1 is running... 1
task3 is running... 2
task2 is running... 2
task1 is running... 2
task3 is running... 3
task2 is running... 3
task3 is running... 4
task2 is running... 4
task1 is running... 3
task3 is running... 5
task2 is running... 5
task3 is running... 6
task2 is running... 6
RT-Thread applications
This rt-thread demo application is show basic rt-thread thread functions.
main function is a pre-created thread by RT-Thread
main thread will create 5 test threads using the same function
In Nuclei N100 SDK, we provided code and Makefile for this rtthread demo
RTOS = RTThread is added in its Makefile to include RT-Thread service
is by default set to 100, you can change it to other number according to your requirement.
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the rtthread demo directory
cd application/rtthread/demo
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:47:24
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 15999303 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
\ | /
- RT - Thread Operating System
/ | \ 3.1.3 build Jun 4 2024
2006 - 2019 Copyright by rt-thread team
Main thread count: 0
thread 0 count: 0
thread 1 count: 0
thread 2 count: 0
thread 3 count: 0
thread 4 count: 0
thread 0 count: 1
thread 1 count: 1
thread 2 count: 1
thread 3 count: 1
thread 4 count: 1
Main thread count: 1
thread 0 count: 2
thread 1 count: 2
thread 2 count: 2
thread 3 count: 2
This rt-thread msh application demonstrates msh shell in serial console which is a component of rt-thread.
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(nsdk, msh nuclei sdk demo)
exports a commandnsdk
to msh shell
In Nuclei N100 SDK, we provided code and Makefile for this rtthread msh
RTOS = RTThread is added in its Makefile to include RT-Thread service
RTTHREAD_MSH := 1 is added in its Makefile to include RT-Thread msh component
is by default set to 100, you can change it to other number according to your requirement.
How to run this application:
# Assume that you can set up the Tools and Nuclei N100 SDK environment
# cd to the rtthread msh directory
cd application/rtthread/msh
# Clean the application first
make SOC=evalsoc clean
# Build and upload the application
make SOC=evalsoc upload
Expected output as below:
N100 Nuclei SDK Build Time: Jun 4 2024, 14:48:20
Download Mode: ILM
CPU Frequency 16000286 Hz
CPU HartID: 0
\ | /
- RT - Thread Operating System
/ | \ 3.1.3 build Jun 4 2024
2006 - 2019 Copyright by rt-thread team
Hello RT-Thread!
msh >help
RT-Thread shell commands:
list_timer - list timer in system
list_mailbox - list mail box in system
list_sem - list semaphore in system
list_thread - list thread
version - show RT-Thread version information
ps - List threads in the system.
help - RT-Thread shell help.
nsdk - msh nuclei sdk demo
msh >ps
thread pri status sp stack size max used left tick error
-------- --- ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---
tshell 6 ready 0x000000d8 0x00001000 10% 0x00000005 000
tidle 7 ready 0x00000078 0x00000200 23% 0x00000020 000
main 2 suspend 0x000000b8 0x00000400 17% 0x00000013 000
msh >nsdk
Hello Nuclei SDK!
msh >