.. _design_board_gd32vf103v_eval: GD32VF103V Evaluation Kit ========================= .. _design_board_gd32vf103v_eval_overview: Overview -------- This GD32VF103V Evaluation Kit is an evaluation board from gigadevice using GD32VF103VBT6 as main MCU. .. _figure_design_board_gd32vf103v_eval_1: .. figure:: /asserts/images/gd32vf103v_eval_board.jpg :width: 80 % :align: center :alt: GD32VF103V-EVAL Board GD32VF103V-EVAL Board If you want to learn about this board, please click `GD32VF103V EVAL Board Documents`_. .. _design_board_gd32vf103v_eval_setup: Setup ----- Follow the guide in `GD32VF103V EVAL Board Documents`_ to setup the board, make sure the following items are set correctly: * Connect the GD-Link on board to your PC in order to download and debug programs. * Select the correct boot mode and then power on, the LEDPWR will turn on, which indicates the power supply is ready * Connect the ``COM0`` to your PC * Following steps in board user manual to setup JTAG drivers for your development environment .. _design_board_gd32vf103v_eval_use: How to use ---------- For **GD32VF103V-EVAL** board, the **DOWNLOAD** and **CORE** variables are fixed to ``flashxip`` and ``n205``. * You can find its linker script in ``SoC/gd32vf103/Board/gd32vf103v_eval/Source/GCC/`` - ``gcc_gd32vf103_flashxip.ld``: Linker script file for ``DOWNLOAD=flashxip`` * If you want to specify your own modified linker script, you can follow steps described in :ref:`develop_appdev_linkscript` * You can find its openocd configuration file in ``SoC/gd32vf103/Board/gd32vf103v_eval/openocd_gd32vf103.cfg`` To run this application in GD32VF103V-EVAL board in Nuclei SDK, you just need to use this **SOC** and **BOARD** variables. .. code-block:: shell # Clean the application make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_eval clean # Build the application make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_eval all # Upload the application using openocd and gdb make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_eval upload # Debug the application using openocd and gdb make SOC=gd32vf103 BOARD=gd32vf103v_eval debug .. _GD32VF103V EVAL Board Documents: https://github.com/riscv-mcu/GD32VF103_Demo_Suites/tree/master/GD32VF103V_EVAL_Demo_Suites/Docs