(RV64 Only) Non-SIMD 32-bit Shift Instructions

__RV_SRAIW_U(a, b)
group NMSIS_Core_DSP_Intrinsic_RV64_NON_SIMD_32B_SHIFT

(RV64 Only) Non-SIMD 32-bit Shift Instructions

there are 1 (RV64 Only) Non-SIMD 32-bit Shift Instructions


__RV_SRAIW_U(a, b)

SRAIW.u (Rounding Shift Right Arithmetic Immediate Word)

Type: DSP (RV64 only)


SRAIW.u Rd, Rs1, imm5u



Perform a 32-bit arithmetic right shift operation with rounding. The shift amount is an immediate value.



This instruction right-shifts the lower 32-bit content of Rs1 arithmetically. The shifted out bits are filled with the sign-bit Rs1(31) and the shift amount is specified by the imm5u constant. For the rounding operation, a value of 1 is added to the most significant discarded bit of the data to calculate the final result. And the result is sign-extended and written to Rd.


sa = imm5u;
if (sa != 0) {
  res[31:-1] = SE33(Rs1[31:(sa-1)]) + 1;
  Rd = SE32(res[31:0]);
} else {
  Rd = SE32(Rs1.W[0]);

  • a[in] int type of value stored in a

  • b[in] unsigned int type of value stored in b


value stored in long type