1. Overview
2. Hummingbirdv2 E203 Core
3. Hummingbirdv2 SoC Peripherals
4. Quick Start
5. Changelog
6. License
7. Appendix
8. Glossary
Hummingbirdv2 E203 Core and SoC
Hummingbirdv2 E203 Core and SoC
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Hummingbirdv2 E203 Core and SoC
1. Overview
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Hummingbirdv2 E203 Core
1.3. Hummingbirdv2 SoC Peripherals
1.4. Quick Start
1.5. Copyright
1.6. License
2. Hummingbirdv2 E203 Core
2.1. Features
2.2. Hierarchy
2.3. Configurable
2.4. Pipeline Structure
2.5. NICE
2.5.1. Introduction
2.5.2. NICE Instruction Format
2.5.3. NICE Interface
2.5.4. NICE Instruction Handling
2.5.5. NICE Memory Access
2.5.6. Typical NICE Operation Examples
3. Hummingbirdv2 SoC Peripherals
3.1. Overview
3.2. CLINT
3.2.1. Software Interrupt
3.2.2. Timer Interrupt
3.3. PLIC
3.6. GPIO
3.6.1. SW or IOF Configuration
3.6.2. GPIO Interrupt
3.7. SPI
3.7.1. QPSI0 Registers
3.7.2. QPSI1(QSPI2) Registers
3.8. I2C
3.8.1. I2C Registers
3.9. UART
3.9.1. UART Registers
3.10. PWM
3.10.1. PWM Registers
3.11. WDT
3.11.1. WDT Registers
3.12. RTC
3.12.1. RTC Registers
3.13. PMU
3.13.1. PMU Registers
4. Quick Start
4.1. How to run simulation
4.1.1. Get ready
4.1.2. Compile self-test cases
4.1.3. Run simulation tests
4.2. How to generate mcs for FPGA
4.2.1. FPGA MCS generation
4.2.2. FPGA MCS download
4.2.3. Appendix
4.3. How to develop with HBird SDK
4.3.1. HBird SDK introduction
4.3.2. Setup tools and environment
4.3.3. Compile Hello World demo
4.3.4. Run Hello World demo
4.3.5. Debug Hello World demo
4.4. How to develop with Nuclei Studio(Ver.2020-09)
4.4.1. Nuclei Studio introduction
4.4.2. Install Nuclei Studio
4.4.3. Creat Hello World Project
4.4.4. Compile Hello World Project
4.4.5. Run Hello World Project
4.4.6. Debug Hello World Project
4.5. How to develop with Nuclei Studio(Ver.2022-04)
4.5.1. Nuclei Studio introduction
4.5.2. Install Nuclei Studio
4.5.3. Install Hbird SDK Package
4.5.4. Creat Hello World Project
4.5.5. Compile Hello World Project
4.5.6. Run Hello World Project
4.5.7. Debug Hello World Project
5. Changelog
5.1. V0.2.1
5.2. V0.1.2
5.3. V0.1.1
6. License
7. Appendix
8. Glossary
Indices and tables
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