.. _changelog: Changelog ========= V0.1.4 ------ This is release version ``0.1.4`` of HBird SDK. * SoC - Fix PLIC example fail in Nuclei Studio, due to ``SOC_HBIRDV2`` not defined in npk.yml * NMSIS - Fix typo of ``global: true`` in npk.yml * CI - Update gitlab & github ci workflow V0.1.3 ------ This is release version ``0.1.3`` of HBird SDK. * Build - **Important changes** about build system: - The SoC and RTOS related makefiles are moving to its own folder, and controlled By **build.mk** inside in in the SoC/ or OS/ folders. - Middlware component build system is also available now, you can add you own middleware or library into ``Components`` folder, such as ``Components/tjpgd`` or ``Components/fatfs``, and you can include this component using make variable ``MIDDLEWARE`` in application Makefile, such as ``MIDDLEWARE := fatfs``, or ``MIDDLEWARE := tjpgd fatfs``. - Each middleware component folder should create a ``build.mk``, which is used to control the component build settings and source code management. - An extra ``DOWNLOAD_MODE_STRING`` macro is passed to represent the DOWNLOAD mode string. - Change openocd ``--pipe`` option to ``-c "gdb_port pipe; log_output openocd.log"`` - Remove ``-ex "monitor flash protect 0 0 last off"`` when upload or debug program to avoid error when openocd configuration file didn't configure a flash - Add ``cleanall`` target in **/Makefile**, you can clean all the applications defined by ``EXTRA_APP_ROOTDIRS`` variable - Fix ``size`` target of build system * SoC - hbird and hbirdv2 SoC cores only support e203 and e203e now. V0.1.2 ------ This is official ``0.1.2`` of HummingBird SDK. Here are the main changes since last release: * SOC - More more newlib stub functions for hbird and hbirdv2 SoC * doc - Update changelog - Add rt-thread msh application doc * application - Add rt-thread msh application * Build - Add ``RTTHREAD_MSH`` makefile variable which is valid only for RTThread * OS - Add RT-Thread MSH shell component into RT-Thread source code * CI - Add initial github workflow support for building documentation and sdk V0.1.1 ------ This is official ``0.1.1`` of HummingBird SDK. Here are the main changes since last release: * SOC - More drivers are added to hbirdv2 * doc - Update changelog * application - Fix typos in rt-thread application - Update freertos application V0.1.0 ------ This is official release ``0.1.0`` of HummingBird SDK. Here are the main features of this release: * HummingBird SDK is developed based on **Nuclei SDK version 0.2.4** release. * Support Windows and Linux development in command line using Make * Support HummingBird FPGA evaluation board and HummingBird FPGA DDR-200T evaluation board - The **HummingBird FPGA evaluation board** is used to run evaluation FPGA bitstream of HummingBird E201, E203, E205 processor cores - The **HummingBird FPGA DDR-200T evaluation board** is used to run evaluation FPGA bitstream of HummingBird E201, E203, E205 processor cores * Support different download modes *flashxip*, *ilm*, *flash* for HummingBird FPGA evaluation board * Support different RTOSes such as FreeRTOS, UCOS-II and RT-Thread * This *hbird-sdk* is forked from `nuclei-sdk`_ , and adapted for opensource HummingBird RISC-V Core. .. _nuclei-sdk: https://github.com/nuclei-software/nuclei-sdk