For latest version of Nuclei ISA Spec since 2022, please get it from AE of Nuclei System Technology. This online version is out of date.
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Nuclei RISC-V ISA Documentation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Nuclei RISC-V Instruction Set Overview
- 3. Nuclei RISC-V Privileged Architecture
- 4. Exception Handling in Nuclei processor core
- 5. NMI Handling in Nuclei processor core
- 6. Interrupt Handling in Nuclei processor core
- 6.1. Interrupt Overview
- 6.2. CLIC mode and CLINT mode
- 6.3. Interrupt Type
- 6.4. Interrupt Masking
- 6.5. Interrupt Levels, Priorities and Arbitration
- 6.6. (CLIC mode) Entering Interrupt Handling Mode
- 6.7. (CLIC mode) Exit the Interrupt Handling Mode
- 6.8. (CLIC mode) Interrupt Vector Table
- 6.9. Context Saving and Restoring
- 6.10. Interrupt Response Latency
- 6.11. (CLIC mode) Interrupt Preemption
- 6.12. (CLIC mode) Interrupt Tail-Chaining
- 6.13. (CLIC mode) Vectored and Non-Vectored Processing Mode of Interrupts
- 7. Nesting of Interrupt, NMI and Exception
- 8. TIMER Unit Introduction
- 9. PLIC Unit Introduction
- 10. ECLIC Unit Introduction
- 10.1. ECLIC Overview
- 10.2. ECLIC interrupt target
- 10.3. ECLIC Interrupt Source
- 10.4. ECLIC Interrupt Source ID
- 10.5. ECLIC Registers
- 10.6. ECLIC Interrupt Enable Bit (IE)
- 10.7. ECLIC Interrupt Pending Bit (IP)
- 10.8. ECLIC Interrupt Source Level or Edge-Triggered Attribute
- 10.9. ECLIC Interrupt Level and Priority
- 10.10. ECLIC Interrupt Vectored and Non-Vectored Processing Mode
- 10.11. ECLIC Interrupt Threshold Level
- 10.12. ECLIC Interrupt Arbitration Mechanism
- 10.13. ECLIC Interrupt Taken, Preemption and Tail-Chaining
- 11. ECLIC and PLIC Connection Diagram
- 12. PMP Introduction
- 13. MMU Introduction
- 14. Nuclei CCM Mechanism
- 15. WFI/WFE Low-Power Mechanism
- 16. Nuclei processor core CSRs Descriptions
- 16.1. CSR Overview
- 16.2. Nuclei processor core CSRs List
- 16.3. Accessibility of CSRs in the Nuclei processor core
- 16.4. RISC-V Standard CSRs Supported in the Nuclei processor core
- 16.5. Nuclei processor core Customized CSR
- 16.5.1. mcountinhibit
- 16.5.2. milm_ctl
- 16.5.3. mdlm_ctl
- 16.5.4. mnvec
- 16.5.5. msubm
- 16.5.6. mdcause
- 16.5.7. mcache_ctl
- 16.5.8. mmisc_ctl
- 16.5.9. msavestatus
- 16.5.10. msaveepc1 and msaveepc2
- 16.5.11. msavecause1 and msavecause2
- 16.5.12. msavedcause1 and msavedcause2
- 16.5.13. mtvt
- 16.5.14. mnxti
- 16.5.15. mintstatus
- 16.5.16. mtvt2
- 16.5.17. jalmnxti
- 16.5.18. pushmsubm
- 16.5.19. pushmcause
- 16.5.20. pushmepc
- 16.5.21. mscratchcsw
- 16.5.22. mscratchcswl
- 16.5.23. sleepvalue
- 16.5.24. txevt
- 16.5.25. wfe
- 16.5.26. ucode
- 16.5.27. mcfg_info
- 16.5.28. micfg_info
- 16.5.29. mdcfg_info
- 16.5.30. mtlbcfg_info
- 16.5.31. mppicfg_info
- 16.5.32. mfiocfg_info
- 16.5.33. mecc_lock
- 16.5.34. mecc_code
- 16.5.35. mtlb_ctl
- 17. ECC Introduction
- 18. TEE Introduction
- 19. Packed-SIMD DSP Introduction
- 20. User Extended Introduction
- 21. Revision History
Miscellaneous Documentation